Oswego Query


Below is a request for help I’ve cross posted from the NJ History List. I don’t know the person and as far as I can tell he is not a member here. So, if you are inclined to help, you’ll need to email him directly.

From: Tony Riccardo [mailto:Kayaking365@aol.com]
Sent: Feb 17, 2008

[Editor's note: Tony is not a member of the listserv, so please reply
to him directly at Kayaking365@aol.com, with a copy to the list if you
are so inclined.]

I live in historic Smithville, NJ. I am currently writing a book,
specifically about kayaking down the Oswego River detailing all the
beauty and historical sites along the journey. Could you offer advice
on where to obtain information relating to the 'water screw' and
Martha's Bridge both of which are along the route of the journey? I
want to be accurate, as these items alone tell a great story yet I
also don't want to leave anything out that I may not be aware of
relating to sites along the river. I thank you in-advance, sincerely

Tony Riccardo



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I am assuming the water screw is the pump house. He should contact the Cutts for that info, since I believe they used it.
