Possible Tick Illness


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
Dont mean to resurrect an old thread, but just wanted to let you know. I was actually out in Byrne about a month ago with my girlfriend, and we both were covered in ticks. Took a long time to get them all off, and a few had dug in around my ankles. I used deet to kill them prior to removing them, which in retrospect was probably a terrible idea.

I did, however, have some symptoms for a number of days. I chalked it up to a reaction to the deet, but it may have indeed been related to the ticks as well. Headache, some aches and pains, no bullseyes or anything like that. Went away after a few days and totally forgot about it until I read this thread.

Just thought I'd let you know you weren't alone, something may have been going 'round out there.


New Member
Jul 17, 2009
Just thought I'd close out this thread now that we're about to go into the new year. First off, thanks everyone with the support, it helped me immensely. I am fully healthy again, but it took about 3 months from getting bitten. After that, I got continuously sick for another few months because my immune system was so weak.

It's been about 3 months now that I've felt like my old self so I'm pretty certain this ordeal is over. Never thought a tick bit could do this to me. I still don't know for certain what I had, but it was nasty.

Take care and happy new year!



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Glad to hear all is well. I have someone I know who thinks they have a tick illness, and I sent this thread to them to read over to get some information. You started the thread so your post may help them with their problems. Thanks!
