Quarter Mile Today


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We put 11,500 steps on Jessica's Fit Bit today walking to Quarter Mile and other places. There are yellow orchids growing at Quarter Mile that I found a few years back and we went there to check on them. With the vegetation growing in I suspect the plants are not doing as well, and so far this time we only found one. Bob has told me to wait a while so I will try again another day. But I did a pretty careful search at the location and found just the one.

The photo sucks but that is par for me.


Quarter Mile has had some vehicle traffic which is sad to see. It is looking quite good. On the far back road we found these not far from each other.



Also visited the Skit Bridge as I mention in another post. For the first time in a while we traveled from Carranza to the Bordentown Gun Club.

The flies were brutal today. They kept attacking the spot on my head that has the less amount of hair.

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