Rt. 70 Road Trip


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Nice pics Ben. When I used to live along route 70 (a short time ago) I would drive from Mt. Misery to Medford every day and many of those sites are plastered in my brain. Unfortunitely, I also saw Tranquility Ridge and The Grand develope along that stretch.



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
That's okay, New Yorkers call them "hero's"

I prefer the word "sub." Anything but that sounds unnatural.

And Rhode Islanders call them grinders, one of which you might order with a "cabinet" (milk shake). I think they turn into "subs" again out in the midwest.

I always wondered about the Red Top and Green Top, as I drove by, whether they were the result of a family feud. Only half-kidding.


Sep 7, 2005
Yes I do ,Been there for the last 25 years . Whew! that's a long dam time at one place

Hey there, not to hijack...
You know Jimmy then? and Ed who "left" a few years back?
L&L has been a customer of mine for years. A huge amount of my goods
are in the "Corporate" office, as well as a great many components that make your plants run.

On topic,
Nice run Ben. Some very interesting photos can come of the most nondescript roadside places we pass by day after day for years. I just really noticed something Sunday of a fallen down structure I've driven by countless times. I think sometimes our radar for things just runs dim.
Sorry to hear your clarity level was not improved by your junket.

By the way... maybe it's geography but "Hoagie" is the only name that sounds right to me. It's crazy but I get great hoagies and have for years from a place around the corner that is, by name, a "Sub Shop" and I have never asked for a sub.
As far as asking for a "grinder"... well, places come to mind where they don't exactly serve food on the couches so to speak.



Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
You are a regular Tom Bodett!
That was a neat run Ben.
I always thought about doing something similar along the Black Horse Pike as it passes through the pines.
Beginning in Cecil and headed east, there area lot of unusual motels, buildings and businesses, some abandoned, some not, and then long stretches of pure pines between 559 and 50.
Once you hit the Hamilton Mall the party is over.

I've noticed these too along the BHP. Who knows what little oddities are sitting there hidden in the scrub.


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
The folks on this site that live in or near Philly may or may not confirm this as true. I believe the term hoagie comes from Hog Island in the Delaware River. From what I was told, Italian Immigrants on the island first put meats such as salami, cappacolla etc., added sharp cheese and slapped them in italian bread and the hoagie was born. I'm sure a little olive oil was also part of it.

Grinders are usually melted right?

Subs are what I've always heard folks in NY and up call them and although its probably the same sandwich I've never thought that was the right name.

Heroes always sounded strange.

Give me a hoagie any day! "Old World Style"

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
Hey Largo,
Yup Know em all, been there so long there almost family, Good People, they've been very good to me. Real slow right now tho, i'm collecting but so are most of us . What company do ya work for if it is ok to ask and would i happen to know you? or not. well with so much time off, I'm getting out in the pines a lot more which is Great!!!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
The folks on this site that live in or near Philly may or may not confirm this as true. I believe the term hoagie comes from Hog Island in the Delaware River. From what I was told, Italian Immigrants on the island first put meats such as salami, cappacolla etc., added sharp cheese and slapped them in italian bread and the hoagie was born. I'm sure a little olive oil was also part of it.

I heard that Tom....and it was tied to the shipyard workers I think. I grew up in Burlington County, and we always called them Hoagies. Now I live in Ocean County, and they call them Subs. I catch myself using both terms.

Route 539 is a clear dividing line for many things, meaning Philly vs New York (baseball teams, football teams, food, sayings etc.). It is probably due to the distance from there to the nearest inhabitants in Burlington County. You catch very few people East of 539 that say..YO!


Great Pictures, bring back memories, many created on the weekly drive from Toms river to Glassboro State back in the early '80's. We used to stop at the Evergreen for ice cream.

One question, just west of Presidential lakes, there used to be, well, lakes, last few times I drove by they are dry, anyone know why?


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Yes I do ,Been there for the last 25 years . Whew! that's a long dam time at one place

Tom, I have been working for Delta/Elite Drywall for 24 years now. Our office is now in West Berlin but previously was located in The Ridings of Southampton off Chairville Rd. and from the mid 60's to the mid 80's on an old farm off Pemberton-Vincentown Rd. We did a lot of work in Medford,Mt. Laurel and Leisuretown. We have been working in Philly the past 10 years and the only concrete guys I can remember are Rust Corp. They had a foreman named Sarge who yelled a lot but was really a good guy.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
Well , Sarge Died awhile back , cancer and rust corp. is no ,more . The Sibersons ,who originally owned it Got bought out by the secretary and her Husband and trashed the business, Sibersons were, MTL Concrete after that and now work for Robert K Foster doing concrete. I'm always fighting with Freddie JR. If Ya remember him. The original company was Bobby ,Alti, Freddie and Freddie Jr.....Just a little History FYI


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
MTL was Mt.Laurel concrete? I remember when they started doing all of Orleans work. I think I know who Freddie Jr. is, he thought the entire job ran around him. Isn't Robert K. Foster the plumbers for Orleans. Did you ever deliver to Hallmark Const. in Browns Mills? I worked for them in 84/85.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
Oh Yea I remember them! They would tell me leave your self enough water to wash up and soup it up. I'd sit in one spot and it would self level. I started there in 84. And yes Freddie Jr. still thinks he's GODS gift to concrete , his old man thinks that to. I always cut him down to size when I'm on his Job ,LOL! It's all good tho.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Ed and Tony were throwing up 2 houses a week here in Browns Mills and Country Lakes. I worked on their house which is the big Spanish styled house on Panama Rd. in Chatsworth. I saw them while Christmas shopping a few years back and they told me they were building in Fla.


Jan 13, 2006
Talk about a head and soul clearing , I'm off most of the time from lack of work and I've been out in the pines almost everyday, I'm heading out in about an hour and it is the best clearing I've had in a long time . The silence and beauty of the pines is just about the best it can get!!!

Tom, Hey you big bum, get a job! :) Speaking of head clearing, I'm off this coming Friday and plan to be out in the pines. Give me a call.

Ben, Enjoyed the trip pictures.
