The Sarracenia Flava was Fleeced (Trumpet Pitcher Plant)


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Thanks Spung-Man. We have determined they were not taken by the individuals who are planning on removing the non-native plants. These appear to have been stolen.

With that said, I would like all of you to read this and tell me how this makes me (Guy) look. Are the post(s) truthful or deceptive?

BTW, Thank You Tom! You are the man.

I don't care how they attempt to make you look.I have learned from personal experience,you say what you mean and mean what you say.You are very plain spoken and there is no mistaking what you say.I would say more then most folks I know you are honest,a very good quality.
Wow, they left quite a hole. while the plants ae not native here, I agree, its scary to think that this could have been the native Pitcher Plant or orchids or any other Pine Barrens species. This is exactly why I do what I do with plants so that folks have affordable access without having to resort to poaching.

I would have to agree with others that asking Rare Finds to watch for someone offering to sell them. Otherwise I only once knew of one guy in Cumberland county who did many different Pitcher plant, but can;t remember his name. I would look at Craigslist and eBay maybe a little later as if the perp took them to sell, they will most likely pot them up and sell in the spring. But it certainly would 'nt hurt to check now also.

As far as the invasive species removal, I know strike teams are mostly focused on species like purple loostrife and such. I doubt these trumpets are invasive; I didnt even know there were any around these parts.

But it would be nice to find out what happened so at least we know. Is the property private? maybe the owner tore them out.

As per your request, I've read the responses posted by the NJ Trail Lovers who seemed offended by my comments pertaining to wetland assaults perpetrated by some users of ATVs or ORVs. I drive a jeep and have never assaulted the landscapes of the Pine Barrens. I'm also aware that there are scores of other drivers of jeeps and similar vehicles as well as motorcyclist that drive responsibly in the Pines. Several years ago when the Sierra Club lobbied for closing to vehicular traffic Quaker Bridge Road from Atsion to Quaker Bridge, I was vehemently opposed. All those who sincerely love the Pine Barrens should stand united against anyone who believes that he or she has a god-given right to assault the beautiful landscapes of these precious Pines. We all suffer from the destruction perpetrated by a few. The state has already closed the road to unauthorized vehicular traffic from Hampton Furnace to High Crossing because of the wetland assaults committed by a few to the site known as "Quarter Mile," stretching along the abandoned railroad. More road closures will follow, to be sure, affecting us all. But the day will also come when violator will be severely fined and their vehicles will be impounded.

Lost Town Hunter


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Maybe a sign like this would have stopped the plant thieves. :D


I suspect that the yellow pitchers were "lifted" to adorn someone's own personal bog garden. They could also have been removed by someone who strongly felt that these non-native plants have no business being transplanted to the Pine Barrens.
It is known that populations of two species of southern pitcher plants (& a hybrid) were deliberatelly torn out by volunteers responding to Emile DeVito's request for the removal of these exotic species from a parcel of land owned by the NJ Conservation Foundation on the Middle Branch of the Forked River.

Lost Town Hunter


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I'm going to go down south and get some more and plant them in the barrens and photo them and post them and not tell where they are and let these do goods have coniptions trying to find them.