Todays Peregrinations


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

As usual we spent the morning exploring the woods in the Union Clay area, and found this tree growing a metal handle.

Our next stop was in the woods closer to 72 near the Barnegat Wreckers in search of the property corners and stones for Clayton Newbold an early landowner around there. This particular parcel is described as:

"Clayton Newbold Survey of 106.75 acres returned March 13, 1806, and approved on August 05, 1806"

I was only able to find one unremarkable stone.

Our next stop was to find a "Large White (Smooth) Stone" described as below. The stone dates from much earlier than mentioned.

"Deed dated February, 7 1905....William Weaver to William J. Kelly , C.Y. James, and Harry L. Neall..Tract 1.... 5144 acres.

I am not posting the photo of it..... we found a dead Egret on the sand road just off of 72 near Barnegat Wreckers.

And finally, I ran into a man near Brooksbrea who informed me that Turkey season will be in May. He lives in Whiting and was out there checking to see if he saw any before the hunt. So be careful for hunters in the next 4 weeks.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Turkey opened statewide on April 18th.
The permits are day-specific.
Mine is for Saturdays only. There are permits for each day of the week.
Only in N.J.!
The season ends May 27.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thanks Scott. The man I talked with lives in Florida in the winter and bought the wrong zone permit. When he realized it he had to purchase another one. He is taking his grandchildren with him. He appeared to be a seasoned hunter who loves to catch and eat Turkey's.


wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor

Wear An ORANGE hat and/or a vest for extra visibility. Turkey hunters wear 100% camo and it's real good! You won't see them!

Effective range is 40 - 50 Yards but alot of turkey hunters use 3.0 & 3.5 inch magnum shot shells that could cause harm much farther scattering 1.75 to 2 ounces of hardened shot. Not the buckshot used for deer but stuff the size of a BB and lethal.

Should a hidden turkey hunter shout stop; he is following safety guidelines to announce his presence for his safety as well as yours. He's not being rude, even if anoyed by your presence. I can't understand why NJ makes it so complicated, PA gives you a state wide tag for spring and fall free with each basic licensed plus we can now purchase an additional spring tag, all good for each day of the season. I was up in the Poconos Fri & Sat for the PA Opener & most likely will go back next Fri. PA lets us hunt 1/2 hr. before sunrise till noon; I don't know if NJ is one of the full day states. PA used to think that spendign the whold day would scare laying hens off their nests but alot of other states have accepted scientific proof otherwise.

Turkey hunter imitate the sounds of a female, most of which are now sitting on eggs to 'call in' a gobbler who is still on the prowl. These calls sound like an azmatic duck w/ a sinus condittion. You may hear the hunter long before you see him.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We walked through the woods along a swamp today, and in various other locations where we could have been shot at and did not even know that there is a hunting season in late April. But to be honest the only person or vehicle we ran into today was that man 200 yards from Bullock at the paved intersection. A quiet day as I like it.
