Underground House


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Steve or Ken,

My boss told me that the most recent edition of WeirdNJ had an article about a house on the South side of Cooper River that is built underground. They said in previous visits it appeared empty, but now it looks like someone is working on it. Do you know anything about this place, and where it is?

That would the former Malcolm Wells property at the end of Dale Avenue, just off of North Park Drive and Cuthbert Boulevard. His main office sits right at Cuthbert and Park, but there is a second, completely buried office building at the very end of Dale. The latter property is up for sale (I took a tour of it a couple of months ago), but the main office building serves as the offices of Peter O'Connor of Mount Laurel Decision fame. If you need additional information, just let me know.

You probably pass it every day to and from work but you can't see it. It's under ground. LOL Not really. I believe it is the dwelling on the corner of Cuthbert and Park Blvd. It is the property with the masonary wall around it. You can see the roof but the main part of the house is under ground.


Ok maybe I'm wrong :rolleyes:
Looking at the map again, I could be right too. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Yes I do pass it every day. Thanks to both of you for your info. I will infom my boss.
