Woodland Township sunset

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Monday, April 22, just before sunset.
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Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Thanks Joe, but 99.99% of my shots are pretty bad, I just don't post them. And my apology for putting an "S" on Woodland, to any citizen of that very photogenic Township.
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Toothy Critter

Thanks Joe, but 99.99% of my shots are pretty bad, I just don't post them. And my apology for putting an "S" on Woodland, to any citizen of that very photogenic Township.

I have been learning to take pics with my new camera and have been attending a beginners photo class. The more I learn about my camera, the worse my photos have been. The number of photos I immediately trash is directly proportionate to the knowledge I gain. So I am heartened and encouraged to read that you find 99% of your photos below standard. This stuff is harder than it looks. Unless one is satisfied with using auto settings and or a cell phone, I find that learning how to use a DSLR camera as a tool for art is indeed a challenge. Keep up the great work Jon, as I find your photos an inspiration.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Critter, even after I pretty much learned how to use the camera, it is hard to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. I have been going back to the same locations for a couple of years now, and struggle to get the right light, the right clouds, and the composition just right.

I view it like hunting, or fishing. I prepare the best I can and hope to get something to take home. But the experience of being in the woods at a magic moment before dawn or with my son is really the reward.
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Toothy Critter

No offense taken. I was only stating a fact. I don't have the patience for learning real camera shooting, and I'm basically pleased with what I get.[/QUO

Yes, patience is the key word... and I don't have it either. Just that I bought the camera before I signed up for the class. If I knew then what I know now...:mad:

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
My buddy Whipoorbill has a lot of experience with DSLR cameras and He claims the cell phones nowadays do as good of a job or better then his thousand dollar camera.
I have been looking Bill's Facebook page over the past few months. His work captures something about South Jersey that most photos, including mine, do not. His photos/art is really exceptional. I never get tired at looking at his work.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have been looking Bill's Facebook page over the past few months. His work captures something about South Jersey that most photos, including mine, do not. His photos/art is really exceptional. I never get tired at looking at his work.
I"m sure he';d like to know that. He don't get up to the Barrens much anymore but He still shoots on the fly around here.There are a couple trees on the way to my Moms that I have always loved.One is a big Sycamore and the other a weird shaped red cedar that sits by itself in the middle of a field.He did not even know I knew of these trees but he started taking his nephew to school down the same road now and he started taking photos of these same two trees. I screamed at him over facebook of course that these are MY trees. After some haggling and wheeling dealing I agreed to let him use my trees in his photos.All is good now.

Toothy Critter

My buddy Whipoorbill has a lot of experience with DSLR cameras and He claims the cell phones nowadays do as good of a job or better then his thousand dollar camera.

Tru Dat... but cell phones still cannot do this...


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