How is the course going this year?
This year we are taking both courses...the advance (again) and the weekly one. For the advanced course we have two plots...following up on last year's Borrow Pit, which so far has shown two new plants that we didn't see last year (Drosera filiformis and rotundafolia), many more Acer rubrum and Quercus spp. Also, on the surface of the water, there is free floating (roots not planted into the soil) Juncaceae sp.. Mark has said that he has seen Juncus pelocarpus do that, but I don't know. I guess time will tell
The Borrow Pit still hasn't emptied itself of the water from the 18" rain storm of last August, although it is finally at its lowest since that storm, being about 16-18" deep now. And of course its covered now with pollen like every where else.
Our new site is the first Armored Pit you cross when you come in the north gate and go straight. It has a lot more diversity over the old site, but also many more invasive plants.
I really miss you in class. Your plant knowledge is great and your and mine willingness to argue with the instructor is unsurpassed!