Camp Site Reservations


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Gotta love the way goobermint plans things. Me thinks it would have had much less impact to folks during the winter months :rolleyes:


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
It's a real mess. ReserveAmerica was supposed to continue until the new system came up (I think the new company is NIC USA). But something happened and apparently Active, the company behind ReserveAmerica, told the state they were shutting them down on October 13. But I'm getting this 3rd or 4th- hand so could be all wrong. Coming not long after the July 4th weekend shutdown, this doesn't make the state look too good.

Fortunately, things slow down a lot at the campgrounds after September, so if you want a tent/trailer site you can drive in and you'll have plenty to pick from. Cabins and shelters (at Bass River SF anyway) shut down anyway 11/1 so there isn't much "blackout" period for those. But there are lean-tos available year-round, only 9 of them, and I don't know how reservations will be handled for them.
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New Member
Jun 9, 2017
Good to know... and what a pain!

I have been trying to do the Batona trail for over a year and just can't get the time. My latest is to do it between now and December. But who knows.

But I'm glad you posted this so I'm aware.

Toothy Critter

Speaking of which... I just spent 5 days camping at Brendon Byrne while fishing various spots. There were 3 people that spent 3 days and nights parked at one of the shower/bath facilities. Winds up they were homeless living in a car. Maintainence found crack pipes and drug remnants in the bathroom. State police came and told them to leave. I commented to one worker that they would just go to another state park and she said "yes, that's what they do" I asked why they were not arrested and was told they probably had no cause to search their car so they were just told to leave. HUH????? Isn"t Christie saying we have to help these people? Wouldn"t arresting them and getting them into a rehab be better than what they are doing with their lives now? And most likely stealing from others campsites to support their habits. Or am I just a grumpy old SOB?
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Toothy Critter

46'er said: There is an entire sub-culture out there.

Ever hear of Christopher Knight of Maine? Interesting story, I am reading the book now. He did it for 27 years, although he had no drug problem.

Yes, but I hardly think it's the same. People can steal anywhere to get by, and do. And for many reasons. But to actually have police catch drug users, tresspassing in a state park and just tell them "just go someplace else and do this". IDK Gotta be wrong to just brush it off. (OH... and by the way... GO DEVILS):)
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Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
FYI, has changed and now it says the state's new campsite reservation system is scheduled to go live on Monday December 4th at 9:00am. (Previously it said "December 1st or sooner". Oh well, close enough I guess.)

From what I read, the new system was developed by a company that has a lot of experience with government websites, including payment systems, but - as far as I know - no experience with campround reservations. But I think overall it will be an improvement over the old system. And it will cost a little less to reserve a campground.

(By the way, if you go to the old site, and ask for nearby state parks, it shows you Delaware and Pennsylvania campgrounds.)