tick-borne disease neurological symptoms FYI

Please note that numbness, "needles and pins" skin sensations, medical term parasthesia, may occur after a tick bite. These neurological symtoms may occur in the week after infection without any other indication of tick-borne disease, and if you are not aware you had an attached tick, you may think it's a major neurological problem.

This past Sunday (this stuff always happens on a long weekend) I woke up with both feet numb from the soles up past my knees. Very scary until I realized that the sensation did not seem to be spreading upwards and was limited to the surface of the skin (dermatome).

Then on Sunday night after another paranoia driven self-inspection I found 2 ticks on the upper inside skin of my thigh, one the smaller 2mm size, the other a translucent nymph so small I couldn't feel it. Unable to identify as it disintegrated when I scraped it off. This one was about as big as a pencil point. Both were attached, not engorged.

I had also removed an attached 2mm size tick the previous Tuesday, and had a small localized reaction, but no rash, no itch. Both ticks big enough to see were deer ticks.

I had a supply of Doxycycline, so started taking it Sunday night, and got in to see my doctor this morning (Tues).

He is seeing a lot of cases, Lyme and the other diseases. The parasthesia on my lower body is not uncommon, and is self-limiting now that I'm on an appropriate antibiotic.
Standard dosage is 100mg Doxycycline twice/day for 10 days.

Gonna be walking like a duck until I can feel the ground again.
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Bumper crop this year. Already used up my bottle of permethrin


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I have received 14 tick bites just over the last two weeks. Three of the ticks were embedded and had to be ripped out. I am good for twenty or more every year.
Miraculously, I have never had a tick-borne disease.
I'd offer a pint of my blood if anybody wants to try a transfusion but you may not be able to pass through a DUI checkpoint afterwards.


Dec 22, 2011
Please note that numbness, "needles and pins" skin sensations, medical term parasthesia, may occur after a tick bite. These neurological symtoms may occur in the week after infection without any other indication of tick-borne disease, and if you are not aware you had an attached tick, you may think it's a major neurological problem.

This past Sunday (this stuff always happens on a long weekend) I woke up with both feet numb from the soles up past my knees. Very scary until I realized that the sensation did not seem to be spreading upwards and was limited to the surface of the skin (dermatome).

Then on Sunday night after another paranoia driven self-inspection I found 2 ticks on the upper inside skin of my thigh, one the smaller 2mm size, the other a translucent nymph so small I couldn't feel it. Unable to identify as it disintegrated when I scraped it off. This one was about as big as a pencil point. Both were attached, not engorged.

I had also removed an attached 2mm size tick the previous Tuesday, and had a small localized reaction, but no rash, no itch. Both ticks big enough to see were deer ticks.

I had a supply of Doxycycline, so started taking it Sunday night, and got in to see my doctor this morning (Tues).

He is seeing a lot of cases, Lyme and the other diseases. The parasthesia on my lower body is not uncommon, and is self-limiting now that I'm on an appropriate antibiotic.
Standard dosage is 100mg Doxycycline twice/day for 10 days.

Gonna be walking like a duck until I can feel the ground again.

Hope you're feeling better soon!