With a few free hours Monday afternoon, I walked east on the railroad tracks to the trestle over the Batsto River. Once there, I walked along the west bank of the Batsto.
Looking across the Batsto to the east bank.
From this angle, it's almost as if there is a vague sort of symmetry in the trees.
A view from ground level.
Some right-leaning trees among their straighter brethren.
I found a large wooden plank between two trees. The other objects, from bottom left to top right: Another wooden plank, but this one mostly buried in the bank; a wooden block, about a foot or so square; what looked like a piece of piling embedded into the side of the bank; what I first thought was a metal part but turned out to be a flower pot; a broken vase.
The Batsto making a bend to the northeast.
A long view across the water.
A mushroom quintet.
A closeup of one of the mushroom caps. (Is it just me, or can anybody else make out something resembling the name "Dave" on the mushroom, with an oversized "A"?)