10 Mile Hollow Trail


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Today I walked the ancient road from 10 mile hollow to the forgotten bridge over the Davenport Branch. This road is nearly grown over in some places. It is at least 200 years old. It is cut a little deep in some spots, as most wagon roads seem to be:



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I heard this sitting in the cozy kitchen of an old and trusted friend, a man whose piney roots are firmly planted, a man who has accompanied me on many of my erstwhile jaunts. It was just a bit of information, nothing substantial really, but it did get me thinking, and I closed my eyes and tried hard to remember...what it was that old John Hilliard had told me so long ago?

But I digress. I was just trying to write like Beck. It was Borderwalker who asked me if I knew where Zeb's Bridge was. Sure, I told him, of course I did. I started poring over the maps. Lo and behold, I was wrong. That stretch of the Davenport branch had 3 bridges in just under 1.5 miles, but old Zeb's was not where I thought it was. Zeb's Bridge is only about 1,000 feet off of route 530.

This area has a lot of history. But she gives up her secrets grudgingly.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It must have been cold when those planes flew right over your head :) You must have walked the edge of the fences there.

I believe Zeb's bridge is mentioned on a map somewhere.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
bob, you almost have Beck's style down! :)

I've never heard of this area before. Where can I find out more about it?

Do a search for the word Arab on this site and you'll come to a thread that fills you in. Here is a snippet from Borderwalker's thread of the time:

"The letter was from Dr. John Torrey, a botanist from Philly, to his collegue Zaccheus Collins in Philly, who was probably no direct relation to the Collins family in the area:

"Some places called Taverns that we put up at were not fit for an Arab. At a place called the Ten-Mile Hollow, or Hell Hollow, we expected to sleep in the woods, for it was with difficulty that we persuaded them to take us in. This was the most miserable place we ever saw, they were too poor to use candles. No butter, no sugar, etc. A little soup stuff which I believe they called rye bread, but which was half sawdust, and a little warm water and molasses were all we had for breakfast. For supper I could no see what we had for we ate in the dark."

This was referring to the Charleytown tavern in the area. The reference to "Hell Hollow" was an insult originating with Torrey--I haven't found it documented anywhere else. Apparantly, the botanist didn't know the difference between a jug tavern and an actual tavern and thought the former was used to house guests.

Concerning the cellar holes, there are three of them in a clearing off of what was once part of Old Dover Road. There's a bit of debate whether or not they really are cellar holes. We still need to run a detector on them to settle the matter."


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
quick question for bobpbx, its the same neck of the pines. the gated road(the road ends up at the old bridge into dover forge once you get to the end) in bamber on the n. side of lacey just east of the bridge over cedar creek I found a few old foundations pretty far into the woods on this road, do you know what was their and is thier any history to them?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
quick question for bobpbx, its the same neck of the pines. the gated road(the road ends up at the old bridge into dover forge once you get to the end) in bamber on the n. side of lacey just east of the bridge over cedar creek I found a few old foundations pretty far into the woods on this road, do you know what was their and is thier any history to them?

Hewey, I tag most of them as small gun clubs, but there are a couple old home sites too.

I know where you mean. 2 are very far in towards Dover Forge (most likely small gun clubs, I found where the sheet metal stoves were in the woods), but the two near Bamber are larger ones. They are most likely homesites related to the blueberry fields at the 10 acre parcel that has a side road.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
bob thanks, allways woundered what they were at one time. I found a 5 point buck skull on one of the foundations, all most like it was placed there, its a pretty far walk in, last time I went there it was about 90 out, I felt like I was going to die on the trip out.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
....last time I went there it was about 90 out, I felt like I was going to die on the trip out.

Its odd you mentioned that Hewey. The only time I really felt I had done myself in was on that trail one sunny Saturday morning in June about 6 years ago. I left about 9:00 to to to a place I knew that had orchids. I got there okay, and had brought 2 quarts of water with me. By 10:45 or so the heat and humidity was oppressive and my tail was dragging. I was near the creek with half the water gone, but I panicked a bit and started easing myself back through the swamp towards the trail. The pine flies had found me and they were absolutely relentless. You know how it is when they are attacking you with such vigor that you can hear them whapping into your head on their Kamikazee dives? I had to keep my head and face covered. By the time I reached the trail I was completely fagged out and could not think straight. I was sweating profusely and my eyes stung from the sweat. I was in deep trouble and still had just sense enough left in me to realize it. I was about 3/4 of the way in towards Dover Forge. I sat down I took my pulse because I felt all weak and tired. My pulse was light and rapid. I took the fly covering off my head and poured the remaining water on my head and swallowed the last bit in the jug. The water was not refreshing at all as it was very warm. I asked God to please, please help me out on this one; let me get out okay. I stood and started walking back. I remember that walk in some ways vividly, and in some ways not at all. I stumbled a few times, and remember continually looking down at the sand for some reason. After a bit I got the idea to take my shirt off (long sleeve cause of the flies I knew were out there) and start swinging it around my head as I walked in order to drive the flies off. It helped that I took the shirt off. Thank God (yes, really) I did get out. No one knew I was out there. I am more cautious now. I was telling PinelandPaddler about a similar situation I got into a couple summers ago on the Pine Plains. I turned back sooner that time, so it was not as bad. The main thing to remember is that the Pines can be damned dangerous in the summer, and heat stroke with its accompanying muddled thinking can sneak up real quick.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
no doubt about the flies, that day they were absolute misery. I had no water with me only planning on a short walk, but something kept me wanting to go further in to see what I could find. on the way out I felt the same way you did, I was so glad to get back to my truck with the a.c. cranked and a bottle of warm water I had in the cab. I have a bad habit of going in to the woods and telling no one where i'm at.