Half of New Jersayans want out!


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
I guess that police officer is an optimist by nature. :).

The east coast, particularly the northeast, is expensive. Northern NJ is significantly more expensive than pretty much any township south of Trenton. But a "joke?" I don't think so. Try any of the others between Philly and Boston. It's just the area. New Jersey is beautiful, rural, almost parklike across much of its area. We have two major cities in striking distance (ok, I just gave Philly more credit than it deserves). We have the shore, and all the conveniences. Property taxes are too high, but you know what? I think we do that to ourselves. There's pretty much no upgrade idea for the local school system that the suburbanites who live around me don't approve. Build a new one for $300 mill? Sure, why not! It's just bonds.

Not that I would mind if that 50% decided to act on its fantasies.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Really... I'm happy to hold the door open while my share of the 50% leaves, and I promise I won't let it slam on their...... :)

But seriously, just because it's raining in your own backyard doesn't prove the sky is falling. There are reasonably priced parts of NJ, and I think it will actually get better with the crisis in the housing market. But a shrinking population would be a good thing IMO.
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
I always question polls like this. It highly depends on who participated and their particular situation. If you polled 100 people in Neward, I'd expect a different result than if you polled 100 people from Cape May. It's all relative as with any poll.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
NJ is the east coast`s dump. I had the chance to get out of NJ when i was 22 and didn`t do it, 30 years later i`m STILL kicking myself in that A*S for not going.

Dave, I know you don't really mean all of NJ. You are making those of us who love many parts of NJ feel real bad.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
NJ is the east coast`s dump. I had the chance to get out of NJ when i was 22 and didn`t do it, 30 years later i`m STILL kicking myself in that A*S for not going.

Actually, I think the East Coast's dump(s) are, in no particular order: New York, Pennsylvania, and the Atlantic Ocean. There are few places in NJ where you can dump anything anymore, at least legally.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
There are many great parts of NJ. Much of Southern Ocean County, Eastern and South Burlington County, Atlantic County aside from Atlantic City, etc.

The North West part of the state is breathtaking. Extreme Western Monmouth County is nice as well.

Really, the bad areas are along the turnpike North of the Raritan, and along the Hudson River.

Edit: The worst spot is Trenton. Not because of the poverty and crime, but because of the politicians.

Just my $0.02.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
IMO, the point is that you should make every effort to find a place where you like to live. I know it's easy to get "trapped" someplace, but you CAN escape IF you make it a priority. Why not just pick up and move - do something positive that will make you a happier person. I know it's not easy, but life is too short to spend it in a place you hate. We have a couple examples on the site here - one person moved to Pennsylvania and the other to Montana, and it sounds like it's working out well for them.
Apr 6, 2004
Boyd, if you are referring to me, I'm back from Montana. I'll return out west once I complete my degree. Don't get me wrong, though: I love NJ...the Pines anyway.

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
Trenton was pretty blighted, too, last time I was down there. Of course, that was ten years ago now. Has it improved?

Yes and no. I agree that political issues prevent Trenton from becoming the amazing city it could be. I was there today, I brought a foreign colleague there to apply for a SS number and I was embarrassed at how they treated him at the SS office. Then we were approached by crackheads and other unsavoury characters, but the city does look a lot better than it did 10 years ago. Baby steps, I suppose.

I love NJ. I hate the real estate taxes and crowds and the crime in the inner cities. But I will always be a Jersey Girl. No place has better food, culture, beaches, Pine forests, etc.

I may not always live here because of work, but what they say is true: You can take the girl out of NJ but you can't take the NJ out of the girl. :)
Apr 6, 2004
Hey Sue,

I just started on a second Bachelors in Geology. The music degree just isn't cuttin- it (surprise, surprise). You're involved in the Earth sciences, if I recall. Right?
Apr 6, 2004
Hard. My brain has some adjusting to do. The Geology is coming fairly easily (so far), but the Calculus, Physics and Chemistry will prove to be very difficult for me, I'm certain of it.

I love Biology. What in particular are you studying?

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
My GOD. No matter you are having such a hard time. Calculus, physics and chemistry in the same semester? Crikey. That's all the hard classes at once. They don't get any worse than that! If you can hack those, the rest is all downhill. :)

I'm in a 30 credit program that encompasses lot of different biological sciences: Parasitology, infectious diseases, and mammalogy are some of the classes on deck. I am currently taking ecology, which is really hard but has been a blast so far.