Apple Pie Hill


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
Wow its been a while since I was last up there. Man what a mess.Took a person up there to the tower who had never been there.Man I was tick off, all kinds of crap Tvs, computers thrown off the tower.This will be the next place they closeoff.I did take some of the trash out of there.Sorry just needed some place to vent


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Yea, I stopped going there for the most part. Why someone would do that is beyond me. Thanks for the vent!

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
Been there over a dozen times and half those time ended up throwing someone else's crap in the back of the truck to be disposed. If these kids want to drop crap from the top, that's fine, but please clean up the mess.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
I haven't been to Apple Pie Hill in over 10 years for the same reason, Cleaning up after a bunch of pigs got old ,plus the guy in the tower at the time saw me cleaning up and told me to give up I'll never win that war .Shame ,it's such a great spot to get a panoramic view.I wouldn't doubt it will be closed off the rest are ,Batsto, Lebanon, Winslow
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
I haven't been to Apple Pie Hill in over 10 years for the same reason, Cleaning up after a bunch of pigs got old ,plus the guy in the tower at the time saw me cleaning up and told me to give up I'll never win that war .Shame ,it's such a great spot to get a panoramic view.I wouldn't doubt it will be closed off the rest are ,Batsto, Lebanon, Winslow

Yep, it's a just a matter of time and the state will put up a baracade to block access up to it. What a shame.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Apple Pie Dump

I gave up trying to keep this place clean, every time I go there it is full of large scale trash. As earlier posts wrote, tvs, computers etc are all over the place. Several years ago I saw some people meticulously cleaning up there, even scratching the dirt to pick up the smallest bits of glass etc. Ashamed that these efforts were short lived.
I can remember when the heavy wooden rails were installed to keep the monster trucks from driving up the hill and it's safe to assume that fencing and gating it may come next.
Not that it would do much good, but do you ever see any DO NOT LITTER signs anywhere in the pines?


Nov 19, 2008
I used to work in the tower. The tower is the most vandalized fire tower in the state. Vandals have cut the steps off and we have to use plexiglass on the windows because people shoot the tower constantly. There is still buckshot in the plotting map.


Jan 19, 2009
I'm sad to see this about Apple Pie Hill. Have some great photos of the way it used to be and am using it in my current novel . . . not very romantic any more? Is the big orange and white fire tower lookout still there?


Mar 12, 2008
Hammonton, NJ.
That really sucks. Every time I have been there, there's a group of random people that show up. Most of the time everyone's cool, but it's that small percentage that ruin it for the rest of us. And locking it up is exactly what's going to happen. And why do some of the people that go there feel the need to write song lyrics and poetry on it? Most of it sounds pretty dumb, and I'm not a perfect speller or anything, but I would make sure to spell the words right if I was going to write on something. Last time I was there people showed up from Buena, Mullica, and Lindenwald. This place is famous.



Nov 12, 2008
Lower Bank, NJ
it really is ashame what goes on at that tower I went there a few weeks after christmas and I was baffled at the amount of new graffiti, my buddy and I actually ran into some girls who came to the tower to see if there graffiti was still there, unfortunately the only way to keep it clean is to keep a ranger on watch 24/7 and the state won't ever do that.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
If it is in jersey some one will abuse it. I brought relatives from vermont out there in the summer and there was one smashed tv and they asked about it and I told them what they do, they were amazed some one would lug a tv up just to smash it.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
If it is in jersey some one will abuse it. I brought relatives from vermont out there in the summer and there was one smashed tv and they asked about it and I told them what they do, they were amazed some one would lug a tv up just to smash it.

I was at Bald Mountain in Vermont and there was no evidence of anything being thrown off the tower. Then again it is a long way to carry a TV :)



Jul 29, 2007
Cameras there would be great, i remember going there with my family and about 2 thousand people that had the same idea to see Halleys comet. Good times


Jan 3, 2008
The only way for us to keep many areas of the pines clean and preserved is for each of us to monitor it ourselves.

I will donate money and my time toward a camera which we place at the tower and some other areas.

We will most likely have to testify in court at some point and perhaps could be charged for placing the camera on state property without permission and possible sued for taking photos of someone secretively. Especially if we catch them with their pants down when they deficate. If a minor then we could be considered a child predator too.

Obtaining permission from the state I think would take years as the state would be concerned with a law suit by someone whose photo is taken, or injury to ourselves in placing the cameras.

I have stopped many from entering the east plains pit at night and drinking and shooting. One issue took place on my own property with some ATV's who tried to run me over.

The answer from most government agencies to keep things safe and clean is to place a gate, ( or in the pines create a large burm) and a sign to keep ALL folks out. Yes even those of us that would spend our own time to keep an area clean will be forced out.

I heard that it was and may still be considered to place a gate at the intersection of Bombing Range road and 539.To stop the dumping and other activities at night and weekends along that road and the pit area.

It is already illegal to be on WMA property after sundown unless actively hunting or shooting.

So any of us who enjoy the wilds of the pines at night in certain locations could be considered criminals.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
I was at Bald Mountain in Vermont and there was no evidence of anything being thrown off the tower. Then again it is a long way to carry a TV :)


I go to a observation tower on top of mount ascutney once in while when I am up there, there is a paved road almost to the tower and you are hard pressed to find any trash. I also do not see people up there throwing their Mcdonalds trash out the window in the parking lot or empty their ash tray on the ground in a conveineance store parking lot with a trash can 15' foot away.