Apple Pie Hill

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
I go to a observation tower on top of mount ascutney once in while when I am up there, there is a paved road almost to the tower and you are hard pressed to find any trash. I also do not see people up there throwing their Mcdonalds trash out the window in the parking lot or empty their ash tray on the ground in a conveineance store parking lot with a trash can 15' foot away.

see thats classic jersey, you get all the city morons moving here, from new york, philly, baltimore, dc, etc . they have no moral, dont teach there kids moral, then come to our woods and trash it. Its frustrating, these out of towners come and act like they own the damn woods. Some of them trash it, some of them are just stupid and tear up the roads, and some want to say what i can do and can't do when they didnt even know what the pine barrens were when i first started going out there. absolutely frustrating.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
The only way for us to keep many areas of the pines clean and preserved is for each of us to monitor it ourselves.

I will donate money and my time toward a camera which we place at the tower and some other areas.

We will most likely have to testify in court at some point and perhaps could be charged for placing the camera on state property without permission and possible sued for taking photos of someone secretively. Especially if we catch them with their pants down when they deficate. If a minor then we could be considered a child predator too.

Obtaining permission from the state I think would take years as the state would be concerned with a law suit by someone whose photo is taken, or injury to ourselves in placing the cameras.

I have stopped many from entering the east plains pit at night and drinking and shooting. One issue took place on my own property with some ATV's who tried to run me over.

The answer from most government agencies to keep things safe and clean is to place a gate, ( or in the pines create a large burm) and a sign to keep ALL folks out. Yes even those of us that would spend our own time to keep an area clean will be forced out.

I heard that it was and may still be considered to place a gate at the intersection of Bombing Range road and 539.To stop the dumping and other activities at night and weekends along that road and the pit area.

It is already illegal to be on WMA property after sundown unless actively hunting or shooting.

So any of us who enjoy the wilds of the pines at night in certain locations could be considered criminals.

not if we mount them to monitor wildlife and happen to catch some moron doing whatever.


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
see thats classic jersey, you get all the city morons moving here, from new york, philly, baltimore, dc, etc . they have no moral, dont teach there kids moral, then come to our woods and trash it. Its frustrating, these out of towners come and act like they own the damn woods. Some of them trash it, some of them are just stupid and tear up the roads, and some want to say what i can do and can't do when they didnt even know what the pine barrens were when i first started going out there. absolutely frustrating.

You needn't worry, land-use planners at the Pinelands Commission will protect us through Smart Growth. Nothing better defines our rich cultural legacy than gingerbread festooned upon a strip-mall – Pinelands Village "meaning of place." I can see Father Beck turn in his grave.


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Aug 26, 2007
Central NJ
In the last few years, NJFFS no longer staffs this tower with a full time observer because of the on-going vandalism. They're tired of cleaning it up and spending money on repairs (glass panes shot out, phone line ripped out, etc). Its only staffed by a part timer during high fire danger. (This is not official info but just the last I heard about it)
Oct 25, 2006
How do you get to Apple Pie Hill from 72?

If you are at Four Mile Circle (Rt.70 and Rt.72), take Rt.72 East to Rt.563 South to Chatworth, make a right hand turn on Rt.532 at the Fire Station, proceed past Chatsworth Lake on the right hand side of the road, you will after a short time see vandalized brick pillars on the left hand side of the road.

Use the above pasted map to reach the parking area at the top of Apple Pie Hill.


mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
easier way from whiting would be pasadena rd to the railroad tracks hang left (savooy blvd), cross 72, when you come to 563 hang a left and quick right(basically straight across, this is 532, follow to first paved left hand turn. make that left, it turns into a dirt road follow the main trail and you'll come to it. once you get closer to the tower the road becomes slightly eroded, its no problem though, i do it in my saturn on bald tires.
If you were to follow 70 to 72 and take that route, you'd be going about 5-10 miles out of your way.


Sep 12, 2008
Next time i go there i will bring a trash bag and pick up what i can.

i don't care if every single day people dump shit off the tower, we can still clean it up. these are OUR pine barrens, we can maintain them.

apple pie hill is an amazing part of the pines; why the hell should we let them destroy it.

don't give up, even if it seems like a hopeless battle.

that spot is worth fighting for


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
How do you get to Apple Pie Hill from 72?

This is what I did for my first time:

1. Get a bunch of maps -- NJ State Gazeteer, Burlington County, and Batona Trail (

2. Going west of Chatsworth on 532, turn right on Russ Anderson Blvd. & park near entry to Batona Trail.

3. Carefully follow trail south. Don't lose the pink markers.

4. About 1 hour's walk to Apple Pie.

I was there New Years Day -- spectacular at 25-F.
No trash, but much graffiti.


Jan 19, 2009
Yes, fight!

Thanks BlueMoon for your determination. I hate the reports I'm seeing . . . and it's people like you that make a difference. Wish I lived closer and I'd bring my trash bag and help.

I've been reading this site for a couple of years now--finally got up the courage to join--and I love the way you guys feel about the Pine Barrens. Keep fighting to keep it pristine. NOTHING can replace it. Or you.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
You do have a point Muskrat. I pick up any where I am and always leave with a few bags of trash. It definitely Changes the appearance of an area when it is cleaned up, and it really doesn't take a lot of effort. Since you put it that way. i might just start putting time aside for a designated area,