Attention NJ Forest Fire Service


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
New Jersey Forest Fire Service,

I visited the road and firebreaks you recently made off of Dover Road in Ocean County in Double Trouble. This is a sorry piece of work you have done to these woods. There is no excuse for this butcher job. You seem to think it’s okay to go through there with bulldozers and hacking machines that make the area look like hell.

Well, it’s not okay. These woods belong to all the residents. They are not a playground for your machinery. We need some of these areas to remain wild. Could you have done a better job? Of course.

Why did you need to put roads in? That only invites all terrain vehicle traffic that will now have better access to sensitive areas. And what about those firebreaks….what good do they do? Will they stop a hot wildfire? Hardly. They leave a lasting scar…ugly and unpleasing to the eye.

You could have and should have done your winter burn without all this wanton destruction. You just refuse to do it because you feel you rule these woods and do whatever you want.

Shape up. Get with it. You really need to move into the new century and start using fire prevention and suppression practices that don’t destroy the environment.

Get the picture?

PS: stop leaving your trash in the woods too.











Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
As should have occurred with Quarter Mile when they blazed there, they need to block that road to discourage travel on it.



Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
I walked that area back in the winter right after the did their "work". They really chewed that area up bad. They had the trees painted for weeks before they did any work, I though it was drivelines painted out by deer clubs at first and thought to myself "that is alot of lines", every one was a fire cut. Why did they have to run so many cuts and what is the use of the road they cut? That was a wild piece of woods due to the limited access and lack of roads and trails entering. Not any more.

They could at least used survey tape instead of spray paint.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Why did they have to run so many cuts and what is the use of the road they cut?

They are living in the past. They live by rules and regulations and don't bend from them an inch. None of them are environmentalists. They need to be brought to heel. I wonder how many snake dens they just plowed under? They do far more damage than anybody in the woods.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
If you want to complain, try the Super at island Beach State Park, Mark Pitchell. He has responsibility for Dbl Trbl.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
If you want to complain, try the Super at island Beach State Park, Mark Pitchell. He has responsibility for Dbl Trbl.

I sent the link to the Forest Fire Service. But I would like to complain to him too. I have another beef with him as well. Do you have his email?


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Whatever happened to that rule on all the state forest and WMA signs?No cutting or damaging of vegetation?
This is the same mentatlity that says it is ok for state vehicles to drive up in the middle of wilderness camps to check for camping permits but it isn't okay for the rest of us.Perhpas they could get off their caudal extremities and hike in to do the checking but Oh I forgot,this might create perspiration in the summer or a tingling in the extremities in the winter.Heck,ride a horse in,oh then they might bet saddle sores.These guys have the same mentality as the quarter mile crew only worse,they feel they have legal sanction and answer to no one.I've seen the same wanton destruction in swamps down by wescoat bogs in the name of fire supression back in the 90-'s and that was wetlands.They want to close off established roads to us while creating new ones at their whim.
Give em Hell Bob.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I sent the link to the Forest Fire Service. But I would like to complain to him too. I have another beef with him as well. Do you have his email?

I don't think he has an email he gives out, I always confronted him in person, liked to watch him try and dance around things. I will send you a PM if I find anything in my archives from when I was on the 501c(3) over there. If you send him anything, make sure you copy the region super. My opinion is he is one of the worst Supers in the park service, came down here from N Jersey, Ringwood SP I think, maybe 6-8 years ago and has done nothing for the parks he is responsible for. Dune grass plantings are no longer done, nor is repair of the dune fencing. Spent over $1million on an outhouse and twice that restoring a building with no plan for its use, yet the buildings folks use are left in terrible disrepair. He's just waiting for an offer, watching the sun rise and set from his bayside abode within the park. But thats just my opinion, he might be a swell guy :D

Where on Dover Rd is this, NE of Pinewald Keswisk Rd, or SW? SE of Dover Rd? I was out and on the way home drove Dover Rd from Bamber, down Keswick and home and saw nothing except maybe something near the Rust Doctor.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Where on Dover Rd is this, NE of Pinewald Keswisk Rd, or SW? SE of Dover Rd? I was out and on the way home drove Dover Rd from Bamber, down Keswick and home and saw nothing except maybe something near the Rust Doctor.

As you leave the crossroads of Lacey and Dover road heading towards Toms River, it is right there. The road starts right behind the old store and comes out at the next tributary creek. I think it starts again on the other side of the creek.


Jan 13, 2006
They did something similar at Winslow WMA a few years back, except it was an existing trail/road that they widened (destroyed). Left all the dead trees shreaded on the road side. Within 2 weeks there was a new pile of construction trash. It created a new dumping ground. The latest was 2 weeks ago, I found 5 large screen TV sets dumped (the old kind that weigh a ton) and 25 or so bags of drywall fragments.
The people at the office said when they widened the roads, it was standard fire control policy.
Very frustrating.


Jan 2, 2003
Friendship Bogs bulldozed

I came upon this out by Alloway's Rock last week. It just screams Drive Me, and it goes right into the wetlands.

It used to be a small and very pretty road untouched since the state bought Wharton.

Turning around 180 degrees, this is what the road used to look like.

The dam keeping the area wet is untouched, for now.

The Pioneer Gun Club. A couple of members were out surveying the damage. They're gonna love it when the 4 wheelere start coming by.

Alloway's Rock. They had fun with the dozer here too.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I bet they removed that monument you told me about years ago.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The only way to prevent forest fires is to remove the forest. Yea that it!


local vollie

Apr 6, 2011
Unknowledgeable People

It is QUITE apparent that most of the "posters" on this site have absolutely no clue what the Forest Fire has done to preserve the States woodlands. Every year the FF service attempts to do prescribed burning to eliminate certain fire hazards throughout the state. This serves 2 purposes. 1. To eliminate fuel build up within the forest to keep any fire from becoming a raging inferno, and create buffer zones from peoples homes, and sensitive areas of the wildlands, and 2. these fires contribute to the reseeding of natures pine trees. Pine cones only open when exp[osed to intense heat. During prescribed burns, the fire generates enough heat to do this. Without such fires, most of the "Pine Barrens" would be just that.....BARREN !!!!!

So before you go running with your choke half out, maybe you should first acquaint yourself with the knowledge of wildland preservation. Those so called "roads" you complain about serve 2 purposes. 1. They are control lines for the prescibed burning, so that the fire can be maintained within certain boundaries, and 2. IF a wildland fire does occur, it allows quick access for the Forest Fire Service to respond expeditiously to the fire, and gain quick control BEFORE it gets out of hand.

These Men and Women who give SO MUCH of their time (most are part time) by attending many hours of training, and pre-planning, BEFORE anything takes place should be highly commended for the SUPERIOR job they do, day and night, and NOT CRITICISED by individuals who hve no idea what they're talking about !!!!!!!!!!!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Before this gets out of hand I want to warn everyone to keep this civil.
