Recent content by Hewey

  1. Hewey

    Deep Run and Deep Friendship

    It was great to see you and Gabe today. Hopefully the full PBX crew can get together in the near future. Even if it is just for a short hike and a tailgate.
  2. Hewey

    Deep Run Lowlands, A PBX Hike

    The first driveway on the right heading out of Chatsworth on Savoy.
  3. Hewey

    Deep Run Lowlands, A PBX Hike

    Today's hike was far from our longest, but the tail end of the hike was one of the more strenuous. The strenuous part is the small price you need to pay to see areas of the pines that very few humans lay eyes upon. It was a great day in the Jersey pines followed with a classic PBX tailgate post...
  4. Hewey

    On this day, 13 years ago

    Mike's Toyota was a true pine grinder. It had the scars to prove what it was used for. That is true. The V6 did have that low end torque, but not the longevity of the 22RE. The 4cyl was a screamer. You had to turn some RPMs to get them through the gnarly spots. My 95 was bone stock. My 87 had...
  5. Hewey

    On this day, 13 years ago

    Bob, I always had a soft spot for that truck. It was a great rig. The only downfall was that it had the V6 as opposed to the 4Cyl. You probably would not of had the issues you had at the end of your ownership of that truck if it had the 22RE motor. I miss my 87 SR5 4x4 and my 95 DXL 4x4. They...
  6. Hewey

    PBX Hikes #15 To #87

    Very nice, Guy. Hope you are felling better. I used to love reading the PBX reports before I became a part of PBX. This March has marked nine years since I started hiking with PBX, it feels like yesterday when I met up with Bob, Guy and Paul on the side of 539 for my first adventure with PBX...
  7. Hewey

    East Plains Wilderness, A PBX Hike

    Another fine day exploring the big pine woods of Jersey with my PBX friends! This was definitely one of the longer more strenuous hikes we have done in some time. Back to the PBX roots. Even with being the youngest one of the bunch, this one left me tired and sore but well worth it. A great day...
  8. Hewey

    Ken Washington

    I didn't even catch it when I first scrolled through the pictures. But it is I. So sorry to hear of the passing of Ken. Very sad news. May he rest in peace.
  9. Hewey

    Meat-in-the-Woods Camera

    Nice, Scott.Four on camera at once is pretty rare. The most I have had on camera at once was two. Usually just singles. Russ and I did that a couple times with some scraps after a couple of our hog hunting trips. We got some really healthy coyote on camera in the FRM area of Greenwood. I had...
  10. Hewey

    Any Photobucket users?

    I use PB to post my pictures. My pictures from the last PBX hike are now the third party block. I have used PB for posting pictures for years. I would assume all of my other pictures here and other places are now blocked. $480.00 per year is unrealistic.
  11. Hewey

    Little Hawkin Run ... A PBX Hike

    Another stellar day in the big woods of Jersey with the PBX crew! This hike is what PBX is all about. I can't lie, this one left me a little sore Sunday morning. The pain is well worth the pleasure. With out doing what we do, we would never get to see what we see. Areas of the pines very few...
  12. Hewey

    Valued Friendship, a PBX Winter Hike

    What a great day to be in the woods, we had perfect weather in my book! I'm glad the day turned out the way it did. It was one of largest groups we have had in a while. It was great catching up with some great friends I have not seen in a long time and making some new. We spent a good part of...
  13. Hewey

    Coastal storm??

    Bring it on! We could really use two inches of rain. The coastal flooding we can do with out.
  14. Hewey

    “Rough and Tumble Pine Plains," A PBX Hike

    As always, the hike Saturday was a great time! A pond at the start of the hike. Scott and Ted in the plains. PBX making their way across the plains heading to the ridge. The ridge in the distance. The view from the ridge. A Gum swamp with some Maple and Magnolia in the mix...
  15. Hewey

    The Woods Of Atsion Meadow; a PBX Hike.

    After a rough couple of months it was great to be back out in the woods with my PBX brothers! We could have not asked for better weather for a excursion! It is definitely an interesting area of the pines. An area I have never been to in the past. Unfortunately my camera did not come out of my...