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  1. SpinyPiney

    Is it ok to shoot dumpers?

    No. Bridge still has the big pothole next to it. When I was there Friday the pond was up flowing over the road. Looked like the drainpipe under the bridge was plugged with debris. That was the first time I've walked all the way to Sandy Causeway on that side road. I usually only walk a few...
  2. SpinyPiney

    Is it ok to shoot dumpers?

    There are some insulated winter weight work gloves on top of the pile. May be a stretch but could probably get a DNA sample from it.
  3. SpinyPiney

    Is it ok to shoot dumpers?

    Johnson rd is on the west side of 206 south of atsion, just past that diner in the middle of nowhere and the old overgrown bogs. It's only about 2 miles long and tee's off at Fleming pike. The road it was dumped on is on the left side of Johnson rd and connects to Sandy causeway rd. Not sure of...
  4. SpinyPiney

    Is it ok to shoot dumpers?

    Wish I could have caught this ahole in the act. Someone dumped two pickup loads of roofing shingles right in the middle of the road off of Johnson rd fairly recently. Also called state park police while out there on Friday afternoon. Found a pile of 5 or 6 dead, mutilated animals dumped with...
  5. SpinyPiney

    Apanay Cafe Closed?

    I ate there a lot when I lived in Pemberton. Food had been hit or miss for the last few years. Last time I was there they served me pineapple juice instead of the oj I asked for. After I politely told the waitress, not to complain but just to let her know, she was very apologetic. But the...
  6. SpinyPiney

    Bald Eagle Spotted

    I saw one on lake Oswego on 1/15 back in one of the shallow coves on the east side. Scared him off his perch and he took off up river. I thought I've been seeing one for a few years there now but actually got close enough to know for sure this time. There's also one living on the batsto river...
  7. SpinyPiney

    Question on "Clearings" in the Pines

    Anyone know what the purpose of the new clear cuts off Quaker bridge rd by the RR tracks is? Was thinking maybe the trees were diseased.
  8. SpinyPiney

    Baeeiers at Godfrey Bridge

    I believe they moved it after some severe flooding a few years ago. I was out there when that whole "point" that the bridge and old campground is on was underwater and one giant flow. When coming from 563, if you go just past where that campground was, on the left is an undeveloped campground...
  9. SpinyPiney

    First float of the year

    Got out on Oswego last Saturday. Not quite as warm as the forecast said but was smooths as glass most of the day. The fog toward dusk made for some nice pictures. Here's one from my cell phone.
  10. SpinyPiney

    Chatsworth Lake Boat Access?

    Also used to live around the corner from Pemberton Lake. There are some huge bass 20"+ and huge pickerel. I attribute this to the state feeding them trout twice a year. The big ones are few and far between and hard to catch most of the year due to the weeds and fishing pressure. Fall is best for...
  11. SpinyPiney

    Chatsworth Lake Boat Access?

    Always wanted to fish Chatsworth lake but was weary of all the no trespassing signs and the fact that I once saw two state troopers escorting a group of people back to the road. It did look like they were swimming and picnicking back there however judging by all the crap they were carrying...