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  1. L

    Plant ID

    Thank you Well's Mills Park is in Waretown, NJ
  2. L

    Plant ID

    I saw this at Wells's Mills Park in June. I thought it was Bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia). I was told Bladdernut has fine toothed leaf edges and my photo was probably Hillside Blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum). Can anyone confirm one of these or something else ?
  3. L

    Renamed Rivers and Streams

    Thank you...that is helpful information!
  4. L

    Renamed Rivers and Streams

    Thank you, I know of The Dead River tributary of the Passaic River. I am interested in one that is associated with the Pine Barrens.
  5. L

    Renamed Rivers and Streams

    Does anybody know old river names in the Pine Barrens? Specifically has the Dead River and Mare Run been renamed. Do they appear on any old maps? They are mentioned in Henry van Dyke's "Between the Lupin and the Laurel" Thank you, Lynn
  6. L

    Searching For Stones Inscribed AL

    I have been taking photos of plants in the Pine Barrens. Just came across your posts on incised stones. Fascinating ! Where Can I find out more history about them ? Lynn