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  1. Spung-Man

    How the Ice Age Shaped Our Landscape

    a Friday night venue Hi Bob, The audience turnout was very good, especially for a Friday night venue! We stayed until 9:30 PM in keen discussion over various aspects of climate change, cultural settlement, and groundwater dynamics. It was great fun to present to a lay audience that had...
  2. Spung-Man

    How the Ice Age Shaped Our Landscape

    Hello friends, I have the honor of presenting at the new Jakes Run Nature Center this Friday, April 17 (7:00 to 9:30 PM). The talk will include both cultural and environmental geographic elements of the Pine Barrens, new insight into...
  3. Spung-Man

    Where Have All the Pine Barrens Gone? Long Time Passing!

    Glowordz, Car-driven sawmills were actually quite common in the Pines. Every piece of equipment earned its keep. Those old vehicles were tractor-like, with plenty of torque available to navigate through sugar sand and mire. In Old Uncle Jenks' case, vehicle-driven woodcutting filled frequent...
  4. Spung-Man

    Where Have All the Pine Barrens Gone? Long Time Passing!

    Thanks for the kind words. Nothing smelled sweeter than the cedar-dust at Batsto sawmill! Have you noticed how warblers pluck Atlantic whitecedar bark off the trunk and line their nests with their bounty? I bet they too benefit from the aromatherapy, or at least get deloused in the process...
  5. Spung-Man

    Where Have All the Pine Barrens Gone? Long Time Passing!

    There were oodles of sawmills throughout the Pines, at least six in Richland alone if the hoop-pole factory is included. Two were in my “backyard”: 1) Uncle Jenk Evans’ Model T-driven mill; and 2) the Lafferty diesel-powered mill. The latter was built (c.1935) during the Great Depression of...
  6. Spung-Man

    Where Have All the Pine Barrens Gone? Long Time Passing!

    a standard of measure If this was cord-wood, logs usually chopped in 4-feet lengths for firewood, are sawmills necessarily involved? I've always associated the term cord as a fuel-use measurement. Are other lumber products measured in cordage?
  7. Spung-Man

    Mizpah Sand Quarry

    Excellent! We would love to hear about your family's association with the sand plant, Mitzpah village, and Gigantic City. Are we on the right track?