Search results

  1. RednekF350

    File Conversion .gdb to .dxf or .dwg?

    Guy, Boyd or others may be able to help me with this I hope. I have a track stored in my Garmin 60CSX that I need to plot in AutoCAD for a project in work. The track displays in Garmin's Mapsource and I have an option to "save as" a .gdb (Garmin's file type?) or .dxf file type. dxf is...
  2. RednekF350

    Hiking the Great Swamp Again

    Great to see you posting there again young fellow!! Bill, there is a lively exchange going on right now in the Recreation forum about off roading in the pines. Perhaps you can enlighten some of the people with your tales of tooling through the pines on Harleys, Triumphs and BSA's back in the...
  3. RednekF350

    Alquatka Branch, a PBX Hike

    It was a beautiful day on planet earth yesterday and we got to see a lot of things that few people ever get to see from a perspective that few will ever have. Here is Paul next to a potential record sassafras. I found that I will have to buy the NJ Big Tree list from NJDEP to check to see...
  4. RednekF350

    Envrionmental Forum Stockton College

    Wouldn't be the first time.
  5. RednekF350

    Meandering Through the Mordecai

    I am a surveyor and I found out last year that that Camden County's road retutn books are now at the NJ State Archives. I needed them for a project in work. I have used them in the past when they were at the Camden County Register of deeds. Jerseyman clued me in to their relocation. Really...
  6. RednekF350

    deer swimming across Rancocus Creek

    It's amazing how well they can swim with the skinny legs and narrow hooves. I have seen them swim many times. I used to think they had to be pushed to do it but I have seen them cross streams for the same reasons chickens cross the road. I hunt an area where they would cross a wide stream...
  7. RednekF350

    Canoe/Camp trip on the Atsyunk

    Beautiful trip Gabe. You picked a great weekend for it. I really like that Locks Bridge area. I used to fish the area from land quite a bit.
  8. RednekF350

    Brew your own beer?

    Unless you have an acid neutralizer for a water conditioner on your well, your pH is probably pretty acidic. My well water was very acidic and we had to add a neutralizer in order to pass a water test that we were forced to do for a refi 10 years ago. The state recommended standard is 6.5 to...
  9. RednekF350

    First post

    As luck would have it I just completed a two day course today at Rutgers on T&E species. It covered T&E animals and plants and even included a section on T&E butterflies. Who knew? Now I are a certified expert. :guinness: Yesterday, we had Matt McCort from Herpetological Associates speak on...
  10. RednekF350

    First post

    Looks like fox. Those appear to be pad prints in the sand in the first pic. Too early in the year for it to be a pine snake den, if that photo was taken at the current time.
  11. RednekF350

    White Stakes?

    One of the biggest enduros on the East Coast is coming up on the 30th. Its the Curly Fern run by SJER. Here is their homepage:
  12. RednekF350

    Beer (again)

    I am beginning to think that the Lagunitas brews are the best beers I have had this century or the latter part of the last century. How is that for an accolade? Or is that alcolade? :)
  13. RednekF350

    Hiking the Great Swamp Again

    It's a shame that you came up empty on the corners Guy but what a day in the pines! I love that area and I have been back there a few times myself since our Shiver me Timbers expedition. There has been a lot of disturbance there over the years especially with the cedar harvesting. Skidding...
  14. RednekF350

    Landscaping with native plants

    The local college that offers most of the curriculum for the bachelors in land surveying is Gloucester County College. They offer it at night as well. Unfortunately, to complete your bachelors, you must take a few classes at NJIT in Newark. Interest in the surveying program waxes and wanes...
  15. RednekF350

    Landscaping with native plants

    No, I am a licensed professional planner and licensed land surveyor. Our firm performs land use planning, engineering and surveying for both private and municipal clients. I have been navigating the Comprehensive Management Plan since 1982. Scott
  16. RednekF350

    Landscaping with native plants

    Call the Pinelands Commission at 609-894-7300. Ask them about a list of suppliers for native landscape species. I have been doing Pinelands applications for clients since 1982 and the Commisssion use to maintain a list because their regs require a certain percentage of native landscape species...
  17. RednekF350

    C. C. Vermeule Topo Maps (c1870-1887) Uploaded

    Thanks for your efforts Ben. That was quite a feat. I have been studying my neck of the woods on plate 77. 77 covers Waterford, Parkdale, Atsion and out to Quaker Bridge. Scott
  18. RednekF350

    Pine Barrens Book/CD Signing at the Sweetwater Casino

    Dottie and I had a great time and the number nine table was the place to be! We just couldn't keep a straight face for more than 5 minutes the whole time we were there. It wasn't just the wine, it was being with genuinely funny, down to earth people. Gabe you are one talented SOB. The...
  19. RednekF350

    Beer (again)

    I just blacked out when I saw the price of $45.00 per session. My son said it was only $25.00 last year. I don't think I will be partaking.