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  1. V

    Fishing below Friendship?

    The bogs/ponds below friendship. Are they any good for fishing?
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    Where is Lower Mill?

    Where is Lower Mill?
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    Balloons and perfectly square holes

    The balloons I presume we would see around our house and just pick them up. Along side some of the side roads there are these perfectly square holes filled with water no bigger than a ping pong table. Maybe 6 or 8 in deep. What are they?
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    Oswego, Wading, Mullica, Basto Rivers

    On a map Oswego looks less wide than Basto. On a map Oswego looks less wide than Basto. Is that correct?
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    Oswego, Wading, Mullica, Basto Rivers

    When would you say the level goes down on the rivers. It was plenty high on Sunday. Thank you in advance
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    Oswego, Wading, Mullica, Basto Rivers

    Batsto is really the river less traveled. It would seem Basto is really the river less traveled. It would seem to me it would be the most traveled. Just because of where it ends up. Based on your email I'm going to enjoy Oswego next. From the Lake to Harrisville Pond.
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    Oswego, Wading, Mullica, Basto Rivers

    Thank you so much You guys/gals are very helpful. If taken an average which river is the widest(WHEN THE WATER IS HIGH LIKE IT IS THIS TIME OF YEAR?
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    Oswego, Wading, Mullica, Basto Rivers

    I have canoed from Quaker Bridge to the dam on Basto. I was wondering what the major differences are between the four rivers. This is defintely the way I want to see the Pine Barrens before the summer crowd is coming. Are Sundays in April/May as crowded as Saturdays in April/May?
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    Canoeing the Oswego River

    Thank you. Mullica River comments are apperciated The basto was so amazing because there was no definite shoreline. It felt like you were in a flooded forest. What are the differences between the Oswego and Basto. Mullica River comments are apperciated as well. thanks Ken III
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    Canoeing the Oswego River

    Does the water level have to be pretty high to take a canoe from Oswego Lake to Harrisville Pond. My cousin and I did Basto River from Quaker Bridge to the Dam. The water was at least 5.5 ft. deep in some spots. On the map it looks like Oswego River in some spots is very narrow???? Thank...