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  1. J

    Newspaper article

    And with... a guy like you It's no wonder... that... the whackos are blue They can't run They can't hide They can't bamboozle us with another guise Facts and science are on our side Doo-dupe Dit-dit Dit-dit Dit-dit-dit Doo-dupe Dit-dit Dit-dit Dit-dit-dit DOOT! They jump up and shout him down...
  2. J

    Newspaper article

    PAMBO NUMER ONE A little bit of common sense on our side Realistic management is really wise A little bit of cutting down some trees Some space between them is what we need They jump up and shout him down And start to spin around Point your finger over there And give them a good scare A...
  3. J

    Newspaper article

    The fire report for this season so far: Last year, at a public hearing on wildfire management in the Pine Barrens, experts discussed ways to prevent monster wilfires. It's a lengthy report, where a NJ forester sketches the history of...
  4. J

    Newspaper article

    Here is the ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCES REALITY REPORT. I had to search a little for it:
  5. J

    Newspaper article OH TREE HUGGER! I went to the Jersey Pine Barrens With a chainsaw on my knee I went out in the woods today Just to cut down a few trees Oh tree hugger Oh don’t you cry for me For I’ve gone to the Jersey Pine Barrens With a chainsaw...
  6. J

    Newspaper article

    One more link which analyizes forest management and monster wilfire prevention.
  7. J

    Newspaper article

    There you go again, Bruset, getting it backwards. Saying someone who holds a particular view a Disney Ecologist or a Tree Hugger is hardly abusive. It is a discriptive term (from my point of view). And by the way, Bruset, it's "JeffD" to you. You should look at yourself in the mirror, asshole...
  8. J

    Newspaper article

    What spin and non sequtiur from both of you! You say I was abusive, Bruset, but it is you with your little innuendos about me and about the webmaster of this site that is offensive. And Bob, you talk about appreciating nature. Fine. But that's not what I was addressing. And you talk about me not...
  9. J

    Newspaper article

    There you go again, sucking up to the environmental extremists, with your lame judgements to create moral relatism. Now that you're drinking buddies, so to speak, with the tree huggers, you do things like twist someone's argument to expose the tactics and the bankruptcy of the thinking of these...
  10. J

    Evidence of the Benefits of Thinning the Forest

    Evidence of the Benefits of Thinning TOM DASCHEL [parody of the old folk song TOM DOOLEY] Hang down your head Tom Daschel Hang down you head in shame Hang down you head Tom Daschel You're arguements against W's plan are lame Out there in your district What is this we see? No burdensome...
  11. J

    Newspaper article

    "Its good you can't stay Tom." - Bob M You see, Tom, environmental extemists think because they have all the answers they don't think anyone has the right to challenge them. Talk about elitism! But folks are starting to wake up to the fraud of these Woodstock-type tree huggers! Vampires don't...
  12. J

    Newspaper article

    WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE! [parody of the Billy Joel song, sung by Bill Clinton, Algore and the Unibomber] We didn't start the fire! The fire has been burning since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire! It's just Mother Nature and you cannot hate her We didn't start the fire! It is...
  13. J

    A Pine Barrens Conservation Ethic

    In A SAND COUNTY ALMANAC, conservationist Aldo Leopold advocated developing a land use ethic amongst the folks who use the land. Leopold owned and managed a farm as well as held a position with the U.S. Forest Service during its early years. He also worked with wildlife management. The Forest...
  14. J

    Snake Crossing Road

    Summon the endangered species tailsman and poof!. Cranberry growers are driven from their land so the snake oil salesmen from the Club Sierra can have it for themselves.
  15. J

    Snake Crossing Road

    This is typical of the rhetoric of the environmental extremists who use junk science. You started out with a semlance of an argument, but buttressed with the comical PT Barnum-lke statement about the reason for the "deer tick" name. I thought maybe you were going to further discuss the role of...
  16. J

    Snake Crossing Road

    They're called deer ticks because they look like they have antlers on their head? That's a new one! Never heard that before. Studies have shown that where the deer population is kept in check, the risk of Lyme Disease diminishes. Conversley, when there is an overpopulation of deer, the risk of...
  17. J

    Evidence of the Benefits of Thinning the Forest

    Evidence of the Benefits of Thinning People ARE listening and working to keep our forests healthy and prevent the destructive surge of moster wildfires. By contrast to the large audience Patrick Moore got, Green PEACE, of which Dr...
  18. J

    Close encounter of the Otter kind

    Great! Good report. I read on this board that cacti and yucca grow in New Jersey, and now river otters. Who says you have to go to the NJ Aquarium to see them! That must have been interesting watching the otter checking out the dog, and probably vice-versa.
  19. J

    Wetlands Reform and The Pine Barrens

    Recent federal proposed rulemaking on wetlands is a step in the right direction to protect wetlands while protecting private property rights. No longer will the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have jurisdiction over wetlands isolated from bodies of water used for navigation. The original idea...
  20. J

    Has anyone heard of the Blue Hole?

    "Then I noticed the one sure sign of mans encroachment. Multitudes of empty beer cans! I also noticed the many sunken cars below the surface of the beautiful blue water." I can't understand what posesses people to make a mess like that, Tom. Do they think that after they leave it will...