The open space question on ballot few years back. all pushed by keep it green group but they left out how by voting yes would take the funds from parks and give it to them instead.i believe it was 80 million dollars per year.
Interesting the pinelands commission had no problem with the clear cut of Washington turnpike for fire safety but have issue with 16 acres of non native tree's being clear cut.
He is done at the state lakes they made it to hard for him to operate so I'm sure wontwbe long till the snakes slither in just as they wanted to do all along.
Funny how their kig partners took all the natural heritage and matinance funds from State parks service but she wants more.these fake environmental groups are getting rich off us.wonder how much she takes in a paycheck.
Usgs had budget cuts and ink was one of them. they said that they refer anyone who asks for topos to use the 97 down as some rds are not complete on the newest topo's.
When has there been any discussion between ppa and otnj.neverit has always been ppa opinion and nothing else they block anyone from comments that are different than what they want people to believe.when commissioners say they have not been back in wharton for over 2 years who is feeding them...