Search results

  1. uuglypher

    Eastern Hognose snake

    It is strange to hear that hognose snakes are now considered ... unusual. Although never what I'd have called "common" forty years to fifty years ago they were not really all that unusual. The species will, in captivity, feed on a wide variety of small vertebrates - cold- and warm-blooded...
  2. uuglypher

    What Is This?

    Man ... something surreal that bad dreams are made of !
  3. uuglypher

    Eastern Hognose snake

    Hey, Ed- Now that is a pretty hognosed - and excellent pictures thereof! Late August and thru September is the time of year that baby hognose may be found to be locally numerous, having recently hatched at some nearby site. One late September day near Chatsworth I found 10 or twelve babies...
  4. uuglypher

    Chiggered Again

    Calls t'mind an old Bedouin curse which, paraphrased, could be: May all the chiggers of the Pine Barrens (or "...lice of a thousand camels ..." if y'be a Bedouin) infest your crotch and may your arms be too short to scratch them ! Cool weather's comin'. This, too, shall pass. Best...
  5. uuglypher

    Forked River Mountains under water.........

    Forester, Yep;I stand corrected. I think you're right that #2 and #3 are horn corals. What are the criteria by which # 4 would be identified as a honeycomb coral and be differentiated from a portion of a crinoid crown? The arms appear segmented and don't their transverse cleavage surfaces...
  6. uuglypher

    Forked River Mountains under water.........

    If that is a crinoid - and I think it is - it dates from somewhere more than 500 million years ago - early Pleistocene. The FRMs stand on a venerble and experienced substrate, I'd say... Dave
  7. uuglypher

    Forked River Mountains under water.........

    Hi, Guy- Isn't that fossil you are holding in the picture one of a crinoid stem (cross section view on a broken end)? Dave
  8. uuglypher

    Hunting Pine Snake

    HA! I tore my pants off on the trail then and there and threw them in the woods until i pick them up next week. Luckily my friend had an extra pair of shorts so i was good. Hey, Brandon - Since you were "...on the trail..." you undoubtedly learned that the borrowed shorts may have served...
  9. uuglypher

    Hunting Pine Snake

    Hey, Guy, That must have been just after the big drought of the 60's broke? And back in the days of film, eh? Do you use a slide duplicator with your digital camera or just a macro lens ... or a scanner? They look good. Man, I do wish that back in the 60's I'd had a vehicle like those you...
  10. uuglypher

    Hunting Pine Snake

    Nice shot of the pinesnake, Bob. Look to be a good sized one. Was is emerging from a swim, or was a shallow puddle just in its way? Dave
  11. uuglypher

    Cranberry grower has been busy with new tradition

    WHITE cranberries? PUCE blueberries?* TOURISTS in the Pines? Where will it all end...? * O.K. I made that one up.
  12. uuglypher


    I'm starting to recall why I opted for veterinary medicine rather than the classification and taxonomy of herpetofauna! Dave Graham
  13. uuglypher

    Chigger and Ticks repellant

    It occurred to me that a couple of years ago I happened to see bags of "Flowers of Sulfur" being sold in a farm and garden outlet as a soil acidifier and thinking that if one wanted a ten-pound bag of the stuff, it was pretty cheap. How cheap? Sorry, that was only 2 years ago and thus doesn't...
  14. uuglypher


    Now mind you, Brandon, I'm not now ever have been much into turtles, but ... The picture ain't bad; it shows the yellow stripes - one beginning above and one below the eye; to me it looks more like what we used to call a "stinkpot" or "musk turtle", but I'll have to admit that I'm not sure...
  15. uuglypher

    Chigger and Ticks repellant

    Sorry, Jeff; I missed that. The smell? Yeah; I remember my buddy Hugh, with whom I lived and for whose Dad I worked for on the cranbogs, used to complain of my aroma when I'd return from a Sunday afternoon's herping in the pines. It wasn't a problem during the work week; the bogs were...
  16. uuglypher

    Hurricane in the Pines

    Thanks, King o'the Pines- Here I was thinking - in what I now recognize was a clearly befuddled manner - that it was a complex situation and that casting accurate blame would be a difficult, long, drawn out procedure that might never be completely resolved. But then you boiled it all down and...
  17. uuglypher

    Chigger and Ticks repellant

    There's been much mention of chiggers and ticks in several treads of late, and I have sat in wonder that with all the comments about "socks-over-pants" and "spray with a repellant" no one has yet mentioned the tried and true repellant that Mrs Webb, my Cub Scout den mother in 1948 had us use...
  18. uuglypher

    New Regional Ranger(ette)

    Would it not be appropriate to make contact with this new Ranger muckety-muck and advise her of the existance of and welcome her - and her colleagues - to sign in, become aware, and keep abreast of topics and concerns expressed by the regular correspondents of this group? I'd...
  19. uuglypher

    Help with spider ID

    Jeff, Your mention of Brown recluse spiders reminded me of a meeting of Iowa wildlife conservation officers I attended in the mid 70's. The over-coffee conversations that day were all about one of their colleagues who had gone out deer hunting on a cool morning a month before (the tale was...