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  1. L

    Attention NJ Forest Fire Service

    Misguided And YOU would be wrong. I'm probably older than yourself. I could personally show you MANY roads that have grown over in the pines. FYI...get a copy of the U.S geological survey maps, and you will find MANY, MANY roads that no longer exist BECAUSE THEY HAVE GROWN OVER !!!! But...
  2. L

    Attention NJ Forest Fire Service

    Poor baby !!!! I am glad I annoy's really tough to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person !!!! And Sir, you are CLEARLY NOT a piney. My guess that you are one of the most annoying people to lacal residants....a TRANSPLANT. I have done NOTHING wrong,, but individuals like...
  3. L

    Attention NJ Forest Fire Service

    Must have hit a nerve ! WOW, I never realized that my opinion would cause such a fuss. But let me set some of your "facts" straight. Having been born and raised in the Pine Barrens, and considered a true "Piney", I believe that I have quite an insight into the eco system of the pine barrens...
  4. L

    Attention NJ Forest Fire Service

    Must have hit a nerve ! WOW, I never realized that my opinion would cause such a fuss. But let me set some of your "facts" straight. Having been born and raised in the Pine Barrens, and considered a true "Piney", I believe that I have quite an insight into the eco system of the pine barrens...
  5. L

    Attention NJ Forest Fire Service

    Unknowledgeable People It is QUITE apparent that most of the "posters" on this site have absolutely no clue what the Forest Fire has done to preserve the States woodlands. Every year the FF service attempts to do prescribed burning to eliminate certain fire hazards throughout the state. This...