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  1. Star Tree

    Brush fire burning on island in Mullica River

    Cool!, When did we get a barge? I didn't know we had a barge.
  2. Star Tree

    A Pines settlement called "Chicken Bone"?

    I’ve also heard the story of Ridley Field, that it was an African American Community but also that a lot of the residents died due to disease. Like the rest of you I’ve never found anything written about it. The only reference I ever saw was on Mrs. Morgan’s map. It showed it located between...
  3. Star Tree

    Is it ok to shoot dumpers?

    No one will analysis DNA on dumping in the woods unless you find a body also! I’ve found a lot of good evidence just by taking the time to look. I’ve found mail, a truck registration and photos of a house which included a clear shot of a license plate on a parked car. That one led to the...
  4. Star Tree

    Pine ID

    There may be other reasons why white pines don't do that well in the NJ Pines but I think a big reason is they don't like fire (thin bark).
  5. Star Tree

    Pine ID

    The CCC had a lot to do with building NJ's park system. I've been told that the reason they planted the white pines was that they believed they were desirable for lumber and that they figured about the time the trees were mature the buildings they built would need repair or replacement and that...
  6. Star Tree

    Coyle Airstrip

    There is a lot of restricted airspace up that way, between the Range and the Joint Base. There's a lot more military aircraft than NJFFS around Coyle. Their helicopters like to play hide and seek over on Greenwood WMA and do low level stuff at Coyle. The Delaware ANG performs cargo drops with...
  7. Star Tree

    Coyle Airstrip

    Ken: First I’d like to say it’s nice seeing a young person involved with aviation. With the change in culture and expense it’s increasingly an aging activity. The state bought the property in 1935. State Forest Fire Warden LeonidasCoyle was an aviation pioneer. New Jersey was...
  8. Star Tree

    Fire breaks

    No worries.
  9. Star Tree

    Fire breaks

    Absolutely no offense taken. I just thought it was overall very appropriate.
  10. Star Tree

    Fire breaks

    Manumuskin thanks for the scripture quote. It is easy for folks to push past boundaries of behavior when they are passionate about a subject. I would like to respectively disagree bobpbx’s assessment of the effectiveness of the prescribed fire in relation to the protection of communities during...
  11. Star Tree

    Fire breaks

    Prescribed Fire is one of the best tools that can be used to provide protection of human life and property in the NJ Pine Barrens. As it is performed currently it’s comparatively safe and cost effective when compared to other methods. The Forest Fire Service is required to submit all their...
  12. Star Tree

    Small airports are disappearing

    Newton (Jump) Airport was bought out by the power company. The lines just to the north are being raised about 100'. This would make things really interesting if you were trying to land or take off from there. Over all the aviation business isn't doing that great. I believe it's a combination of...
  13. Star Tree

    People need to get a grip

    Check out act 2, "A Murder Most Fowl"
  14. Star Tree

    They're heere...

    That would probably work, you should try it!
  15. Star Tree

    Coyotes today

    I was able get these photos in back of Coyle. A lot of deer were crossing the road in the same spot.
  16. Star Tree

    They're heere...

    The only way I could find to consistently keep them off me was to constantly waive a small pine branch over my head. It confuses them enough to keep them from landing. I know it probably looks funny but the only alternative is to stay in the truck with the windows up.
  17. Star Tree

    Prescribed Burning Bill

    Hi dogg57: Sure smoke can be an issue, especially around the senior development where there are a higher probability of folks with lung disorders. The web site you reference sites burning on the west coast. I really can’t speak for them since I’m really not that familiar with their environment...
  18. Star Tree

    Prescribed Burning Bill

    If you look at the various state statutes there is very little written concerning prescribed burning, except a little in air pollution codes. Currently the Forest Fire Service burns on private lands only as an agent of the land owner, as time allows, utilizing mostly part time personnel. The...
  19. Star Tree

    The Aserdaten Tract Location

    Very cool! I all ways just thought of Aserdaten just being that cellar hole along Jones Rd. I read Beck's account but it didn't say much. Thanks for your work!
  20. Star Tree

    Say it ain't so Please see page 28, The article about Shoreline states the mayor is suggesting they putthe ball fields there. I think that's a much better idea. A lot if acres in Barnegat, west of the GSP, is in regional growth. (east of Pancoast Road). There...