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  1. james ungehajer

    bay days

    I'm in, the junk left on Thompson's makes Moore's Beach seem empty. Jim
  2. james ungehajer

    bay days

    I would like to go there in the Winter especially after a freeze up, i just looked at the road to Moore's Beach on Bing Maps, the amount of washouts we went through that day seems real close to what the map is depicting. Jim
  3. james ungehajer

    bay days

    How many hours did you spend on the Beach ? Do you think the walk can be made at half tide or less, going from high to low, or does the road start getting covered ? 17 minute walk, i'll double that.:) Did you see Guy there ?:) Jim
  4. james ungehajer

    bay days

    Great trip guys, was the tide dead low when you went ?, was the walk about about a mile ? Any asphalt at all left on the old road ? Jim
  5. james ungehajer

    bay days

    Real nice Bill, keep the Bay scenes coming. Jim
  6. james ungehajer

    Moore's Beach With Manumuskin I finally found the information on Thompson's and Moore's Beach, the article is from the Daily Journal from April 2009. Now i also know who owned Thompson's Beach, when the storm struck in 1950 the man who owned land at...
  7. james ungehajer

    Dawn Patrol and Mud City

    Beautiful photos, my favorites have always been sunrise and sunset photos, thanks for posting and sharing. Jim
  8. james ungehajer

    Jersey's Blood Sucking Fiends

    Nice Boyd, hey the Governor we have here wants to raise the personal income tax to 3.7 due to the budget crunch, nothing like having two states abutting each other with tax and spend politicos. Just take more money off of the working man, how will that improve the economy if people have less to...
  9. james ungehajer

    Jersey's Blood Sucking Fiends An interesting article about Mosquitoes. Jim
  10. james ungehajer

    Beer (again)

    One more try. Hampton Furnace at the Batsto or the Skit Branch. Jim
  11. james ungehajer

    Beer (again)

    Three guesses okay ? 1) Friendship 2) Hawkins 3) Allen's at the Oswego. Jim
  12. james ungehajer

    Oswego Lake to Sim Place ... 2009

    There is probably a grandfather stipulation in effect, but, it would be interesting to test the waters (no pun intended) to see what would occur if someone would put a canoe or kayak into the reservoir which the Oswego flows through. Jim
  13. james ungehajer

    Oswego Lake to Sim Place ... 2009 I just found this article about who owns the rivers in New Jersey, it is a very interesting read, i especially like rule #8. Jim
  14. james ungehajer

    scanner/printer recomendation Ed The above link is the place where i do most of my computer shopping, there is also a place called Tiger Direct, they both have excellent customer service and they should provide you with advice on what you are...
  15. james ungehajer

    Train, Turtle, Lizard

    Nice report Jeff, i really enjoy it the most when a father has an outing with his son or daughter, especially in the Pine Barrens, enjoy every moment of your treasure, before you know it the winds of time will produce a fine young man. Jim
  16. james ungehajer

    Black Rat Snake

    How large do those snakes get to be ? Jim
  17. james ungehajer

    This Weekend at Stafford Forge

    Digital Rembrandt's, Wow. Jim
  18. james ungehajer

    Moore's Beach With Manumuskin

    I had friends who had their boats docked at Longreach Marina in Bivalve and also at Matt's Landing, the East Point Lighthouse was the first land based object visible from miles out in the Bay. The 17 foot slew in the Bay was a favorite Flounder spot, it was called Flounder alley. Jim
  19. james ungehajer

    Webb's Mill

    Looks like you had a nice cool day to visit, i have yet to visit the bog, someday i will in the near future, it is on my list. Jim
  20. james ungehajer

    Moore's Beach With Manumuskin Just saw this article about the Nature Conservancy's plan on restoring Thompson's Beach, Maurice River Township has other ideas, this article is from April 2009. Jim