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  1. Anthony Amalfitano

    Burlington Co.

    I stumbled upon this web site today, some might find it interesting.
  2. Anthony Amalfitano

    Swimming in clay/sand mines...

    The Blue Hole in Hammonton.
  3. Anthony Amalfitano

    Tucker's Isle

    That sound too much like a chore and I don't want to be a PIA. You'll just have to take me to all these places. :smug:
  4. Anthony Amalfitano

    Exploring the Lost Lake at Colliers Mills

    Those are the only ruins on that side that I know of. That dirt road wanders it's way almost to toms river with a few detours. There's an old bridge here. Don't drive on it the deck is not strong enough anymore. A Firetruck broke thru while on a search and rescue, they thought they were going to...
  5. Anthony Amalfitano

    Tucker's Isle

    Most of the links in this thread are dead, kinda frustrating to a newbie to the site. 46er mentions, "If you use GE, use the time slider to move between years," What is GE? Is there a link to what sounds like an interesting tool? I've been exploring through a lot of the threads on this site and...
  6. Anthony Amalfitano

    Exploring the Lost Lake at Colliers Mills

    Are these ruins you were looking for? The road to them.
  7. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line
  8. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line

    Took them myself I did, with my Iphone. The stone is not missing, I know where it is. It is not where it's suppose to be though. I have a general idea where it belongs, but the chiggers are very heavy in that area. In the fall we will find it's home and I can GPS the location. Roughly, it...
  9. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line

    Some Beach, it worked!
  10. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line

    Here's some pictures of the stone I was talking about above. If I did this right... But it doesn't look like a live link... We'll see what happens when I hit "Post Reply."
  11. Anthony Amalfitano

    Hey! Look what I found

    :( The link to the photos says the file is closed.
  12. Anthony Amalfitano

    Retired from Jackson Twp PD. as a Sergeant. Currently District Manager for LE Sales, Glock Inc...

    Retired from Jackson Twp PD. as a Sergeant. Currently District Manager for LE Sales, Glock Inc. Covering De. NJ. Pa. Totally Retired now.
  13. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Magical Land of Lahaway

    The above link for the complete article takes me to the Home Page...
  14. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line

    Yep, not even close.
  15. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line

    The Mahacomack line Stone was roughly located at 40* 04' 08" N & 74* 22' 45" W.
  16. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line

    This stone was found south (Kinda) from RT-571 and South Stump Tavern Rd in Jackson, in Colliers Mills. I don't know where the Hanover 1856 stone was located, or even it's general location in Colliers Mills. Found this map too,
  17. Anthony Amalfitano

    The Mahacomack Line

    I don't know where the stone was, but I can find out. I might be able to plot the lat/lon this weekend. This is all I've ever found of it. I never heard of this line before I got to chatting to the guy with the stone. Rt-571 from Cassville to South Stump Tavern...
  18. Anthony Amalfitano

    My First Pine Barrens Trip: Forked River Mountains

    I was thinking that was the hill from the view from the top. I've past it many a time. Thanks!