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  1. BEHR655

    Carranza Road

    We don't need no roads "scienced" in the Pines.
  2. BEHR655

    What was there?

    What do the squares represent? Steve
  3. BEHR655

    Carranza Road

    You won't say that after the roads in the Pines become impassable. It is true that yahoos do some tearing up but just general use does it's share as well. Steve
  4. BEHR655


    No, the bites are about the size of a pin head, 1/16". Of course that is my experience and others may react differently. Steve
  5. BEHR655


    Very unusual to get just one chigger. If it was a chigger you should consider yourself lucky. Was it about the size of a pin head? Steve
  6. BEHR655

    Adventure on the Mullica

    They probably have a benchmark of reports they need to receive before they act on it. Steve
  7. BEHR655

    Some rare sightings today

    It could have been an American Bittern. Was it smaller than a Great Blue?
  8. BEHR655

    Adventure on the Mullica

    Guy, do you mean Garmin or Magellan? It is in the Magellan software. Steve
  9. BEHR655

    Adventure on the Mullica

    I've experienced the same thing there. Almost jumped out of my kayak. Steve
  10. BEHR655

    Adventure on the Mullica

    I must have been sleeping.
  11. BEHR655

    Adventure on the Mullica

    Great shots Guy. It was a great day in the water. Steve
  12. BEHR655

    Say "so long" to Cranberries

    Well I kinda have to agree with both of you on this. There is no doubt that the warming is a natural trend. It is however being helped along by our activities. We give ourselves too much credit (or discredit) when we say it it our activities that is causing it. Steve
  13. BEHR655

    Amatol on earth

    Thank you Sue and Jerseyman for the great photos. I visited there a couple of years ago. It was interesting to see that a lot of the housing had been made with either precast concrete or concrete poured into forms on site.
  14. BEHR655

    Say "so long" to Cranberries

    So, if we go tropical, will we be seeing pineapple plantations someday. Steve
  15. BEHR655

    remote bogs

    Is it possible that they were animal dens taken over by snakes? Steve
  16. BEHR655

    Welcome to Bass River

    I hope everything is ok Jim. Steve
  17. BEHR655

    lawrence and keith lines

    Well the M/D line was done to define the border between PA and MD. If you continue the horizontal line through jersey it looks like it could bisect LBI.
  18. BEHR655

    lawrence and keith lines

    I was told as a kid by my grandfather that the M/D line went through LBI. Said it was on Division St. in Surf City
  19. BEHR655

    Thinking about Aserdaten

    Bob, Of all the things around Aserdaten that I've seen, your find is the best bet for being part of Aserdaten. Other finds seem to modern to me. Steve