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  1. njvike

    Interesting Photo if you like bugs

    Nice photo!!! I hate insects. I can still see that my arms and ankles sport ther Chigger look. What was that bug that we discoverd near Aserdaten? Ken
  2. njvike

    Factory Installed GPS

    Ben, I did read the manual today on the OEM GPS and while there's wasn't anything worth reading or mentioning, I did find the company who makes the discs. Nav Tech While I was at the local WalMart, I looked to see if they have any GPS units and was surprised to find...
  3. njvike

    Ben and I visited the Hamlet of Cedar Bridge today

    Unfortunately, I discovered the same thing when I visited Lower Bank Cemetery. I believe three children (same family) passed on. I don't believe they even made it past three months. Science and Medicine have come a long way Here's a link that *may* be of interest...
  4. njvike

    2,450 homes could occupy Heritage tract in Manchester

    Ben, I also oppose any building in this area as this is becoming over developed as it is. The developing in this state has to be controlled. I noticed that Barnegat and Tuckerton are also growing too fast. Why the need for all these new homes? Is the state expanding? Where are the people...
  5. njvike

    Harris Station

    Ben, So sorry 8) but I was still scratching up to several days ago and I'm now free of any scratching. All I have left is the marks to remind me. I think Guy may have something about the Pine Crest sanitarium in connection with Harris station. Hmm, I smell a new movie in the makings...
  6. njvike

    Harris Station

    What's even more interesting to me is who would've used this station? I presume it was for passenger and not freight. Seeing as Chatswoth was pretty close, why was Harris station even constructed. I don't remember reading of any towns or villages in the area other than Dr. White's place. Ken
  7. njvike

    Harris Station

    The Harris station did exist as the maps show, there is no doubt of that. It just does not exist in any way anymore as far as I have found or heard. The Pine Crest station was the most recent station at that location. I am not sure if any portion of the Harris station was used for the Pine Crest...
  8. njvike

    Harris Station

    Ben, I beleive you're correct. I looked at some other maps and the JCRR didn't brach out that way that I'm aware of. Ken (Chiggerless)
  9. njvike

    Harris Station

    Guy, Thanks for the pics. I beleive you're correct as Conrail took over in 1976. When I was searching for the Terra Cotta factory I followed the tracks to where it was blocked off by some quarry so I headed back north and found it. During my way back, I ran into someone who works for...
  10. njvike

    The 13th Child

    Barry, Thanks for the info. I will take a look at it. Ken
  11. njvike

    Harris Station

    Thanks for the link. I will look into it. Speaking of the JCRR, I found a site that has some pictures of the JCRR on the bridge that crosses RT 72 in Pasadena/Woodmanise. I would like to post them but I haven't been able to get a hold of the author of the site. There are other shots of the...
  12. njvike

    The 13th Child

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a try. BTW, I did see Freddy vs. Jason. Just what I expected but since the kids wanted to go to the moveis it was either this or Spy Kids II for the second time I did notice some other good horror movies expected out soon.
  13. njvike

    Harris Station

    I see on several maps that there was another station on the Jersey Cental called Harris Station. Is there anything here to see? I also noticed that in Upton there is another ralled called station road, I believe. Anything here to see? TIA
  14. njvike

    The 13th Child

    Oh well. I really thought they had something there. Perhaps, the wrong director and cast? Seems to me the story of the Jersey Devil would be a great one to make a movie on. I think I will rent it just to see what places they filmed at.
  15. njvike

    The 13th Child

    Sorry, I meant to post this as a reply to the other thread :cry:
  16. njvike

    The 13th Child

    I just visited the site and it says the movie should be available ths month. Has anyone purchased it yet?
  17. njvike

    Crackdown on illegal use of off-road vehicles costly

    Guys, I'm still "fuzzy" on this article. Are they referring to the people: 1) Who are driving illegal vehicles, i.e., unregistered and uninsured? 2) Who are driving illegal vehicles unregistered and uninsured on private property and property clearly marked "No tresspassing" 3) Who are...
  18. njvike

    Crackdown on illegal use of off-road vehicles costly

    Just saw this a few days ago in the Asbury Park Press.,21133,798595,00.html
  19. njvike

    Kayaking nightmare

    I should've specified *SOME* Eagle fans. Sorry. Every team has its share of trouble makers.
  20. njvike

    Kayaking nightmare

    No offense to other Eagle Fans but most fans of the NFL know all too well that the Eagle Fans are bad news. In Veterans stadium there's a courthouse (in the stadium) where Eagles fans are fined on the spot for their poor behavior. I remember one story that was aired on Inside the NFL showing...