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  1. Ms Oats

    Bummer... Truck is broken, now what?

    After a great day exploring yesterday (spots we had been hunting for that we finally found thanks to these amazing boards), we hopped in boyfriends truck to head out to watch meteor shower, and it broke down. Bummer... Today we will have to go only where my little Jetta can make it. I've been...
  2. Ms Oats

    Broken China, Clam Shells and Brick Foundation

    This was on our sat walking list today, couldn't find it. .5 mile east and south or RR doesn't seem right. Oh well maybe next time!
  3. Ms Oats

    539 boardwalk?

    Found it! Thank you! Beautiful walk through there. My boyfriend said he walked there on an outing with an ecology class he took at OCC years ago, he thought he recalled Rutgers was doing studies there for endangered plants.
  4. Ms Oats


    We got stuck earlier this summer in Waretown, the cut around the puddle was just as bad as the puddle, and we were in a big 4x4 truck. What was just supposed to be a 'quick ride' and ended up being 8 hours sitting in the sun waiting to get out!
  5. Ms Oats

    Just saying thanks

    Thats funny Boyd, I forget it's called Byrne now! It was one of the first things I noticed about moving to OC in 1990-- being in the moving truck with my dad and seeing the sign on the parkway to exit for Lebanon State Forest
  6. Ms Oats

    539 boardwalk?

    Thank you!
  7. Ms Oats

    539 boardwalk?

    Hi everyone! I was digging through old posts, and saw mention of a boardwalk on 539. I have a fairly good idea where this may be, but would someone be willing to inbox me the location? It's Friday (woohoo) and we are putting together our walking plan for the weekend, and so far the plan is to...
  8. Ms Oats

    Just saying thanks

    haha! the puddles back there have been so bad this year, that we even got stuck once in a big 4x4, we will wait until it dries up a bit, or walk it. We walked the conservation trail back there a week or two ago as well, which is marked with white blazes every 20 ft then stopped, which was...
  9. Ms Oats

    Just saying thanks

    Just about every weekend we try to find somewhere new to hike around. We have been trying to make it to the Forked River Mountains all summer, but with all the rain we have had this summer, the roads have been pretty bad back there. We camped at Bass River in the spring and hiked all around...
  10. Ms Oats

    Just saying thanks

    Thank you!
  11. Ms Oats

    Just saying thanks

    Good Morning! I found these forums last week, and have been completely distracted from everything else while reading them. My boyfriend and I have been exploring the pine barrens (somewhat blindly) on our own for a while, and it's great to have stumbled upon some answers to questions we have...