Search results

  1. S

    on the road to Carranza

    To Pineypower It sounds like you found the old Sandy Ridge site. This has just been recently discoverd by some in the group. Lucky me, I always knew about it because my father lived there as a toddler. He had showed me this site when I was a little girl. Later when I moved to Tabernacle, an...
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    New Jersey's Forgotten People

    Live conversation coming at ya! NJPB. LOL Anytime Brian, anytime! LOL...................Sue
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    New Jersey's Forgotten People

    animals & food We all come from different walks of life, and what one is exposed to, another is exposed to the opposite. I recall vividly, growing up so poor...many times all we had was deer meat or rabbit to live off of. Still today, being a single mom, money is very tight. If someone offeres...
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    on the road to Carranza

    Sooy Place & Birches I think you guys are alittle confused. Sooy Place is not fenced off. South Park Rd branches off of Sooy Road. On South Park is my old home sitting in the middle of the field. It's an old two story red weathered board house. It too has been known as Sooy Place as well as the...
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    New Jersey's Forgotten People

    Our forgotten people have been eating animals since the begining of time. I know some people who attend a yearly muskrat cookout down in Vineland. Snapper soup is still eaten..............give me fried, greasey onions and deer meat anytime! If the water don't kill ya, the air will -or- all that...
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    on the road to Carranza

    Yes I have seen the photos in the gallery. The taven looks alot like the old Sooy Place home. I have to do alittle more investigating though.
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    on the road to Carranza

    Tunking Mill sign That sign just showed up there one day out of the blue. I have lived in the area my whole life and never heard of anything like that being there. It would be interesting to do alittle digging into, and see what comes up on the area and the mill. I too went to Birches recently...
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    on the road to Carranza

    Moores Meadow Road Guy, the photos you took of Moores Meadow are BEAUTIFUL! As far as the road goes (no pun intended), (spelling pun ?? LOL), When you go past the hunting club and small workers houses...making a sharp right will take you to Birches Cranberry Company, once owned by Charles...
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    Have a fun weekend....

    You must be a good father to feel guilty about missing one or two games. Hey, at least you go to the majority, that is better then alot of "dads" I know. No matter how much we love something, we must remember that resposibility comes first. We need to take care of our familys and homes. Without...
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    Chesterfield & Crosswicks

    Today, my friend Barbara and I went on a drive searching for historic sites. We started out trying to reach New Egypt and Chesterfield area by going through Ft. Dix. I haven’t been in this area for years and didn’t expect the changes. New roads have been paved through what was once...
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    poison ivy time

    Just this past weekend, I picked up a case of poision ivy at the Belcoville site. I react very strongly to all poisions. When I get it, it becomes so bad I end up in an emergency room getting a shot of predisone in my bottom! :cry: Then on to a couple of weeks of oral medicine as well as...
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    Sim Place Road

    I heard from a cranberry farmer in Shamong, that Sim Place was sold and purchased by Rutgers University.
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    Fox Hounds I remember being woke up at day break on Sunday mornings at Sooy Place, by the moaning music of the fox hounds. The owners would park right in front of our house and let them out. The dogs would run for hours across the cranberry bog dams then into the swamps. It is common for the...
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    Dad and his deer

    Well the deer story goes like this... While dad was living off of Friendship Rd, (not to be confused with Friendship off of Carranza Rd) several fawns appeared in the field. They were only able to capture this one. Apparently, something had happened to their mother. When they got the fawn...
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    $15.00 a cord

    If that was so, the whole woods would be cut down! I've seen cords of wood go for $100. Was it an older lady you talked to in the office? Sometimes people will tell you anything just to be rid of you. Or maybe, the wood for $15 a cord is for the people camping at Atsion. It could be who ever...
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    Dead body near Chew Road

    Body found on Chew Road I know this has been awhile ago, but I just joined up here. I didn't hear anything about the body being found. With all of us always going in the woods, its a wonder more bodies haven't been found. The pines have been a dumping ground for years for bodies. From the mafia...
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    pictures of real pineys

    My dad and the deer You guys and gals will just have to wait. I don't know all the facts behind the deer story, but will find out from my brother on Friday. After that I will surly post. I am also going to do a quick write up on where my father actually lived and in sequence. The picture on...