$15.00 a cord

Today while driving down Washington-Speedwell Rd, just before Washington, I saw some fresh cut stumps. I had noticed this area before and there had been a number of stumps noticable that looked old. I turned up the road and saw several more fresh cut stumps. All the trees cut had been oaks. This area has been being cut for some time. I stopped at the Atsion ranger station and was told that this a place where you can go and for $15.00 you can cut a cord of wood. Anyone ever hear of this before?



Mar 31, 2003
Nugentown NJ
I remember something like that back in the late 80’s in Bellplane SF. It was an area to be cleared and replanted with a diff species of tree.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
If that was so, the whole woods would be cut down! I've seen cords of wood go for $100. Was it an older lady you talked to in the office? Sometimes people will tell you anything just to be rid of you. Or maybe, the wood for $15 a cord is for the people camping at Atsion. It could be who ever told you is the guilty party or know who is. People stick together in the pines, and there is still alot of Pineys in the Shamong area.


When I worked at Atsion and Batsto in the mid to late 80s they were having woodcuts in Wharton. They were allowed to cut oak only. It was cheap but I don't remember the price. I remember them selling the permits. Last weekend I saw some areas along the Friendship-Maxwell Road that they had cut, somewhat recently.
BEHR655 said:
Today while driving down Washington-Speedwell Rd, just before Washington, I saw some fresh cut stumps. I had noticed this area before and there had been a number of stumps noticable that looked old. I turned up the road and saw several more fresh cut stumps. All the trees cut had been oaks. This area has been being cut for some time. I stopped at the Atsion ranger station and was told that this a place where you can go and for $15.00 you can cut a cord of wood. Anyone ever hear of this before?



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
In the late 70's I along with my boss went to Batsto and cut wood. They had an area marked off that you were able to cut the wood from, but you could only cut dead trees.
