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  1. james ungehajer

    Comcast Violates Internet Rules Interesting article about the FCC wants to punish Comcast for blocking Internet use. Jim
  2. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling

    I edited my previous post and i respotted the target marker, if i could get in through Pleasant Mills i would only have a 2.3 mile journey to where i want to go, i wonder if they will ever make the bridges at Constable and Pleasant Mills serviceable again. Jim
  3. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling I am planning an outing on Friday,i would like to go to the North side of the barricaded bridge at Pleasant Mills United Methodist Church, any problems with the road i intend to take where the target...
  4. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling

    How deep is that Humpback Pond ? Someone went through that ? Jim
  5. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling Greg Thanks. The only problem that i encountered was at this intersection, i wanted to take the road going north east to go to a B/A marker, but at the beginning of the northern route there...
  6. james ungehajer

    Blueberries? Anyone? Mark I always wanted to check out what is at the dot locations on the map, if i recall in one of Guys threads he got within a 1000 feet with his car. Jim
  7. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling Once again Men thanks for the advice, i just found this site on the net. The one thing that my vehicle does not have is hooks or eyes for towing, and i wish it did. On a winch, is the rule of thumb double the vehicle weight ? I will use...
  8. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling I was just scanning over the live map and i have three questions ? I intend to go to Locke's Bridge in the future , it looks like a decent road, but can you drive all the way to the Bridge site ...
  9. james ungehajer

    Blueberries? Anyone? Mark By the topo you can see it is just North of Jemina and slightly West of Tuckerton Road. Jim
  10. james ungehajer

    Blueberries? Anyone?

    A great way to enjoy the 4th Mark, did you get to Devious Mt ? Jim
  11. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling A few questions for Guy ? Is the marker where i have the pointer on the linked map shaped like the one we found along the Mullica ? or, more like the one at Bullock ? The reason i am asking is...
  12. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling

    Yes the tires are P265/70R/16 111S, i do not know if the aluminum rims are stock, the vehicle is a 2002, also i am thinking that the light rack, the grille guard, and the running boards were put on by the previous owner. I was also impressed with the quietness of the ride from the tires on the...
  13. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling

    Thanks Nascar and Ben for the advice, Ben it just says limited on the vehicle. The lights have the initials P I A A on them. Jim
  14. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling

    Thanks everyone for the fine compliments on the new vehicle. A few questions for you 4 wheelers. 1) I was driving in 4 high yesterday, is that the best gear ? 2) I read in my owners manual that in 4 low you cannot go over 15 mph, i barely thanks to the whoop-di-dos went faster than 5...
  15. james ungehajer

    Independence Day

    Happy 4th to all, have a great barbecue, and may the beer flow freely.:guinness: Jim
  16. james ungehajer

    Wharton Wheeling

    All Me and my friend started off today around 1:00 P.M. to spend some time riding around in Wharton, it was hot, the flies were the main problem today, our first stop was at Atsion to find the Azimuth Mark, the marker was covered by sand but within two minutes we found it, here is a pic of...
  17. james ungehajer

    Bub's big fishing expo

    Nice fish, and a crab that in a bar around where i live would sell for about $6, your kids can catch them, do you ever take them salt water fishing on a rental or party boat ? Jim
  18. james ungehajer

    Sweetwater Casino on Fire!

    I have been going to Sweetwater since the late 70's, i will have to definitely say that it was a major influence on my love of the Pine Barrens, of course the Rev.Beck is what started me on my journeys. My ex brother in law introduced me to the place with my first wife in 1977, the seafood...
  19. james ungehajer

    Microsoft Windows XP Today is the last day that Microsoft will sell XP. Jim
  20. james ungehajer

    Atsion to Constable Bridge and Back

    Nice trip Mark, what is the ground clearance on your vehicle ? Jim