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  1. B

    GPS-Handheld/In car?

    Thanks Boyd-I didn't realize I'd have to spend $300 in maps on top of the GPS itself! I think I'll be putting off the purchase for a bit in order to be able to afford the most bang for my buck, but at least now I have a better idea. Thanks to everyone for assisting a GPS noob :mrgreen:
  2. B

    GPS-Handheld/In car?

    Well in that case I think I'd be alright. Believe me, I'd love to spend time exploring other parts of the country, but the pines are close and cheap! Just NJ topo maps would suit me just fine. Hopefully I'll be picking up a 76CSx soon!
  3. B

    WOW! Just when I thought the Bush administration couldn't get any lower...

    Whatever Kerry meant to say, I don't care. He's not the Democratic party-he never was and never will be.
  4. B

    GPS-Handheld/In car?

    Ok, I think I get the basics. So in order to be able to drive all over the state (on paved roads) plus be able to have topos of areas I want to explore in the pines do I need more memory than the 76CSx has to offer? I'm afraid I don't really understand the process of loading maps either. When...
  5. B

    WOW! Just when I thought the Bush administration couldn't get any lower...

    Yes, I'm sure that Americans would have been mesmerized by Al Bore and stood idly by while terrorists stormed the borders and raped and pillaged. :rolleyes: Believe me, Al Gore is no more my ideal President than John Kerry. The Democratic party does need some retooling in order to get in...
  6. B

    WOW! Just when I thought the Bush administration couldn't get any lower...

    Murtha's actual statement: It's much worse than reported in Time magazine. There was no fire fight. There was no IED that killed these innocent people. Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood. And that's what the report is going...
  7. B

    Corzine rejects bear hunt

    I agree-what does that have to do with bears? I assure you, illegal immigrants are not overpopulating Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon, and Morris Counties. They're the most expensive counties to live in in the entire state of New Jersey. I've read your posts, I get it, you're against illegal...
  8. B

    WOW! Just when I thought the Bush administration couldn't get any lower...

    Not THIS Democrat thank you. I don't support John Kerry either. Look up Joe Sestak, former Admiral (Running for PA 7), Patrick Murphy, Iraq vet and winner of the Bronze Star (Running for PA 8), and Jim Webb, Decorated Vietnam vet and former Secretary of the Navy, (Running for Senate in VA)...
  9. B

    GPS-Handheld/In car?

    HA! I'm used to driving my boss around in his car with his Garmin (not sure which model) which has a broken speaker, so I'm well acquainted with the lack of audial prompts. It took me a while to not freak during the "turn preview" and actually wait until the actual turn.
  10. B

    Corzine rejects bear hunt

    I think Foofoo is echoing my sentiments that people don't care enough to be educated about what to do if you come upon a bear be or inconvenienced by buying a bear proof garbage can, etc... The local schools do make an effort to teach young children bear safety as they have for a long time, but...
  11. B

    GPS-Handheld/In car?

    I'm asking this in the forums out of pure laziness. I've decided that I need a GPS unit...which one to get? I like the idea of having an in car unit that I can use for directions instead of printing out a map or having to ask someone. However, once I need to leave the truck behind I want to...
  12. B

    Corzine rejects bear hunt

    I agree with Foofoo, it is a sad day for the bears. I am a hunter so my feelings are bit mixed about the situation. I've never hunted bear, but as a deer hunter I certainly recognize the need for population management through harvesting of game. To me and many others it is obvious that...
  13. B

    Was anyone in Collier's Mills today? Trip report...

    That's why I had a kind of dilemma after I picked them up and no one was around at the warden's office. First of all when I was driving around with 5 tires through the most desolate part of Colliers Mills I figured it would be my luck that a warden would pass by and ask what the hell I was...
  14. B

    Was anyone in Collier's Mills today? Trip report...

    Not on a day like today! I just got a weird vibe from those guys, fishing poles or no fishing poles... Hopefully it was just bad intuition on my part and no bodies will be turning up anytime soon. Of course if they do I could pull Tom Brown and hang my coffee cup on it's thumb...
  15. B

    Was anyone in Collier's Mills today? Trip report...

    I decided to take Largo's advice and clear my head with a ride through Collier's Mills after work. It's amazing how much ground there really is there. I've decided I'm going to make it my mission to inspect every last square inch of it. Provided that the ENTIRE town isn't underwater, there...
  16. B

    The "Nanny State" continues it's rampage on it's citizens

    :rofl: Come to think of it...I think I may just leave work early and take a ride down to Colliers Mills!
  17. B

    The "Nanny State" continues it's rampage on it's citizens

    I agree! And I think it's important to point out that I, along with Entropy, aren't saying that flag waving, bad, it's just not going to sell cars better than an increase in quality/fuel economy and a decrease in prices. I also have a little bit of a problem with the usage of the term...
  18. B

    The "Nanny State" continues it's rampage on it's citizens

    Well, that was a little bit better. You're still incredibly condescending, but at least you're not accusing me of using drugs anymore. Well its not as if I'm imagining it am I? Who do you talk to when you need tech support for your computer? India. What do most of the tags say on new...
  19. B

    The "Nanny State" continues it's rampage on it's citizens

    I'm afraid I must echo Ben's sentiments-but I share Guy's resolve. This is too good a forum to be brought down by flame wars. But seriously, superlicious-did I run over your dog and not realize it or something? Seriously...!? My post was meant to call attention to something that I happen to...
  20. B

    Pines Clean-Up

    Scott, No apology needed, I just didn't know who he was referring to. It may have been a generalization, but I'm willing to bet that 00xj54 is exactly the kind of wheeler you were talking about. That's judging by some of his other posts too by the way.