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  1. B

    New book "Whispers in the Pines"

    Jeff, Have you gotten to read the book at all yet? I'm just curious as to what sort of secrets the author is talking about. Are we talking the lost town of Success, etc...? I checked out the book on Amazon but no one has reviewed it yet of course. I have the day off tomorrow so I'll check...
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    Suggestions for introducing a new person to the pines

    Haha, Yea, already thought of that one...we'll stick to the nice wide trails :mrgreen:
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    Suggestions for introducing a new person to the pines

    One of these weekends coming up (If I can get off of work-such is the plight of a college student) I want to take my girlfriend down to the pines. She's from Sussex County and we love to have good natured arguments about which part of New Jersey is more beautiful. Anyway, I was thinking of...
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    rt539-land behind the fence?

    You were probably on the road that runs from the entrance of Collier's Mills beside the lake for a while, then goes in between Lakehurst's property and the missle base. I seriously doubt you'd get sick just by driving past it. I've been back there an awful lot and you can't get very close to...
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    Parker Preserve, a red toad, and the State Police

    Not to stir up controversy but I wouldn't really call that harrassment or abusing authority. If he had told you to leave or searched your car etc...that would certainly be out of line. Of course I'm a little biased considering my brother is becoming a State Trooper. They've received a lot of...
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    Rock becomes battleground for passers-by

    For anyone who listens to New Jersey 101.5's (most people either love it or hate it) "Jersey Guys" radio show Jennifer Gilliam called in this afternoon to talk about the article that was written about the rock. Ironically her husband was actually on his way overseas as she spoke to Craig...
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    Rock becomes battleground for passers-by

    That being said can I also add that just because you don't like peace signs painted on a rock it doesn't mean that you're pro war. I don't know of anyone who is pro war. I don't agree that the war in Iraq was the absolute best solution to a problem, but that's what it is, a solution to a...
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    Rock becomes battleground for passers-by

    I have mixed feelings about the subject. I used to love seeing all of the different ways people would paint the rock, but after 9/11 seeing it painted up like the flag just gave me a really great feeling. Seeing that it stayed that way for 4 years felt really good too. Almost as if it had...
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    flag rock is down

    Wow, its been redone already? Does anyone know the real story behind the rock? Was it really destined for a jetty at the shore, etc...?
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    flag rock is down

    I always meant to post something about that rock. For a central Jerseyite living on the western side of the state like me (We would always take 539 to 72 to get to Long Beach Island) that was always the marker for the "halfway point" between home and the island. My dad told me that he had...
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    Black Bear in Atlantic City!!

    Actually I did see the bear at the bar after he had gotten all liquored up, he was singing Kareokee with a bunch of Japanese businessmen.
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    Free fishing days

    I went yesterday to Gropps lake in Mercer county with my girlfriend. I hadn't gotten a fishing license in a few years and my girlfriend had never gone fishing in her life. She had been wanting to go for a while so the free weekend worked out nicely. Of course it was oppressively hot and the...
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    My neighbor's yard is a Superfund site!?

    Update: I talked to my parents and found out something interesting. Turns out that the guy and my grandfather used to work together at the local plastics plant which is now closed. The guy that owned the property allowed the company to dump flawed/damaged plastic sheeting (they used to...
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    My neighbor's yard is a Superfund site!?

    Thanks for the info, but there's still some things I don't really understand. How would contamination in someone's backyard come to the attention of the EPA? Anonymous tip, etc...? Do you think it's because of the junk cars that were dumped in the ravine-as far as I know that was about 30...
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    Wildlife, residents too close

    My dad is a UPS driver and his route is in Cranbury-there are people on his route that are terrified of the wild turkeys that sometimes congregate on their lawns and What exactly about a turkey could strike fear into a person?
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    My neighbor's yard is a Superfund site!?

    I was looking for info on Heritage Minerals on google when I found a list of Superfund sites in New Jersey and my neighbor's (well, my parents' neighbor) house was listed. The entry is as follows-I'm not including the name or address because I don't know if the person living there now who is...
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    Black Bear in Atlantic City!!

    If I were them I'd tell room service at the Borgata to be on the lookout for large orders consisting of salmon, honey, and deer
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    Makepeace Lake, snappers, and an strange animal

    Funny you mention that...the other day I was talking to a guy I work with who is originally from New Egypt. He was telling me that whenever the guys in his hunting club are out they shoot Canadian geese whenever they see them since there are so many. That's probably the explanation for the bag.
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    No more fun in the Pines

    I don't know if any of you remember but I had posted a while ago about camping at either the wilderness sites or getting a cabin at Atsion. I eventually decided against it for this very reason-it makes no sense to me that adults aren't allowed to consume alcohol responsibly in these areas. I...
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    Most Remote Area in the Pines

    Its not the Pines, but I'm going to check out this area in the near future. Ever since she read my little diatribe about the sprawl of north Jersey my girlfriend is determined to show me the little known secrets of the area...