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  1. LARGO

    Driftin' 'round The Forge

    Welcome PanCoast! Nice opener man! You have a lot of really great shots going on. It's good that you draw from your own surroundings to do such work. Nice area. Like those Labs too man. I look at fellas like yourself, Whip, Boyd, and think "man, what a good eye!" I like to take a pic but...
  2. LARGO

    Atlantic County Exploring Part.2

    Jim, Your expeditions of late have been many in number and large in content. Quite a bit to absorb. You're really getting around and sharing good information with all. You do indeed provide a copious supply of photos as well sir. Weymouth is a particular favorite of mine and a pleasant stop...
  3. LARGO


    For what in the Blue F**k happened to my thread!? g.
  4. LARGO

    OT-Barnie to get lit......

    Who needs a celebration of a 150 year old concrete stick with a little blinky light on top to jump in the icy Atlantic? I'm fool enough to do that anyway. If they had some sort of thing like that to go with it, I'd be hard pressed not to consider it. What could we call it? Blue B**ls for...
  5. LARGO

    OT-Barnie to get lit......

    This is really good stuff! I just got this email today as I am a member of the Barnegat Light Historical Society. (New) Besides the glass of course, they are outfitting it with lighting that will duplicate it's original effect. They can do a lot more with much less consumption today. Believe...
  6. LARGO

    The Fox

    Don't always have your heart set on a cold one. No more taps as I recall, only bottles(some have been around awhile trust me) and don't be shocked to see some stuff sitting in a cooler just like at a backyard party. I myself have been there when there was no cold beer, so you took luke warm or...
  7. LARGO

    can anyone tell me where this photo is from?

    The Hearth itself is very similar to Ramble Inn. However what you see in my thread is all there is to see, nothing more 'cept tales & history. There are some remaining stones and such arranged to form a little piece of landscaping but no, nothing like the pic above remains. Al has given us a...
  8. LARGO


    In which I wish you well, every one of you. Someone's gotta kick it off so I'll do it. I'll keep it simple though. Enjoy today. Enjoy your loved ones, the many things you have to be thankful for, be well and be safe. Peace out. g.
  9. LARGO

    can anyone tell me where this photo is from?

    Al, Is this a game as in "guess where the photo is from" or rather you found the photo and are looking for it's origins? Either way I do not know. I was just curious about the question. That is a nice piece though. Big. The layout suggests a good sized structure and it is evident with the...
  10. LARGO

    The "Bog Slog", a PBX Hike

    Really nice pics Guy. Seems it was a killer walkabout. Looks like it would have been fun to be a part of. I was educated in part today about the family associated with their bog operation. Your pictures are appreciated. g.
  11. LARGO

    The Ramble Inn

    Thank you Bill. I wrote what I felt. Thank you Lynn, and you are always a pleasure to hear from. Mark... That is not a rule out, but as my late 1800's period Barn and my simple church access, great care is involved. The great gifts given me by these folks are given with terms. There are more...
  12. LARGO

    barren nights

    Bill, Nice to see you were out my way. There are a few areas back here I think you would have fun with, yet not get your truck sunk. I love the surreality (is that a word?) that you create in your work. It is second to none, but the regular shots you take are a treat any day. Good eye dude...
  13. LARGO

    The Ramble Inn

    Thanks all. Janet, you were on the right track. And as you can guess, I got the very party I wanted. The first two sentences we shared were funny, almost surreal, and all I needed to be hooked. I've just needed the time I mentioned earlier in the thread to get to the heart of the matter. I...
  14. LARGO

    The Ramble Inn

    The Full Truth, And Then Some In which I seek out an historic yet mysterious establishment known for serving fine spirits, shocker there that I would seek out a bar. Sit back readers, like most of mine it will take awhile but you'll have had a little insight to yet another little part of...
  15. LARGO

    So I'm in a documentary

    Jeff, I finally got the time & did it take time, wheeew to load, to view your piece. What a nice bit sir. You are very eloquent on the strings. I see what you mean and man the sun must have been working you over but the end result is quite pleasant. Sam, who at 9, and I am not being biased...
  16. LARGO

    Get out and vote!!!

    A friend and I speak on this often even when we do or do not agree on the politics, yet watch what goes on around us. You may not always agree but please support and respect the Office of the Presidency. To not do so literally makes us look like asses to the rest of the world. Try to set us...
  17. LARGO

    Get out and vote!!!

  18. LARGO

    Get out and vote!!!

    Smooth sailing today, same as Scott. A particular song started as I shut my car off in the lot, I went in, did the particulars, voted and at 7:03 when I walked out the same song was just finishing up when I started the car and rolled out. I hope we've all made choices we can live with, believe...
  19. LARGO

    Old foundation near Batsto

    Duly noted old fella. Conduct for me is a variable. I shall keep your remark in mind for another day. g.
  20. LARGO

    An interesting thing happened tonight

    Wow!!! I was very young then but I remember on all night crabbing trips, my parents stopping off there on occasion. I would knock around in the dark by the waters and sometimes just curl up in the Truck and nap while they did whatever before we went off to crabbing in the early morns. My...