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  1. BEHR655

    best satellite maps and gps info

    Get a PC. :mrgreen:
  2. BEHR655


    Beautiful Bob. Frame them. Steve
  3. BEHR655

    Merry Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Steve
  4. BEHR655

    Howardsville Stones

    Maybe you should consider a pair of chaps like I have. Steve
  5. BEHR655

    1950's campground

    Gee, what does he have against you? :mrgreen:
  6. BEHR655

    PBX Trip to Howardsville

    I wonder how Paul's eye is. He got poked pretty good. Steve
  7. BEHR655

    A few thoughts on the weather

    Oh I think you're wrong Bob. Why when I was three the snow was always up near my waist. When I was six it was always up near my knees. When I was twelve it was up to my shins and since I turned eighteen it rarely gets much more than ankle deep. We are definitely getting less heavy snow falls...
  8. BEHR655

    carranza road,rewriting history

    More profitable.
  9. BEHR655

    I've have for a while

    Yeah, it's just a pizza place. I don't even think she owns it. I think she just sold them the right to use her name for it. Steve
  10. BEHR655

    I've have for a while

    I wouldn't go there during hunting season. I was there a couple of years ago during the season and ran into a very angry hunter. It is private property and he claimed to have paid a high fee to hunt on it. He was ticked. You don't want to deal with an angry man with a shotgun. Steve
  11. BEHR655

    PBX Trip to Howardsville

    Character you say? :mrgreen:
  12. BEHR655

    PBX Trip to Howardsville

    Yeah, that was a tough spot. Steve
  13. BEHR655

    PBX Trip to Howardsville

    I'm pretty disappointed in my photos but here are a couple of bushwhacking shots that came out ok. Steve
  14. BEHR655

    PBX Trip to Howardsville

    Good report and great photos. Guy, I really like that last one. We couldn't ask for better weather in the middle of December and some fresh faces added to a great day. I'll post some photos later. Steve
  15. BEHR655

    Abandoned racetracks.

    That is the neatest looking horse farm I've ever seen. Steve
  16. BEHR655

    Interesting At Atsion

    That is cool. Sometimes the accidental shots are the best. Steve
  17. BEHR655

    strange pines

    That's how Bigfoot gets around undetected.
  18. BEHR655

    Oh, our economy is crushed!

    It takes those folks a bit to catch up. :mrgreen: I'll have to try one again. Haven't had one in 20 years I'll bet. Steve
  19. BEHR655

    Oh, our economy is crushed!

    I consumed barrels of that in my youth. :guinness: Steve
  20. BEHR655

    West Plains Waltz

    Cool Jeff. I've found skulls and I've found antlers but never a skull with antlers. That will make a nice mobile for over the crib. :mrgreen: Steve