Search results

  1. BEHR655

    feral cat or bobcat

    Is it a typical "fat tabby" who's belly is about an inch off the floor? :mrgreen:
  2. BEHR655

    feral cat or bobcat

    Stu, If the tracks were the size of a house cat it would have been a juvinile bobcat if it was one. "SIZE: On average, bobcats measure 17 to 23 inches in height and 25 to 41 inches in length. Males weigh approximately 16 to 28 pounds, while females typically weigh 10 to 18 pounds. The...
  3. BEHR655


    Very cool catalog. Steve
  4. BEHR655

    Photography Contest

    Don't link to the album but the photo itself. The best way is to right click on the photo and grab the url. Don't take the url from the address bar.
  5. BEHR655

    Snow Buntings or Cedar Waxwings

    I've seen Cedar Waxwings in the Pines. The place I've seen them the most often is at Friendship. Steve
  6. BEHR655

    Photography Contest

    Yep, gotta go with King. Steve
  7. BEHR655

    Photography Contest

    I was waiting for that. :mrgreen:
  8. BEHR655

    Photography Contest

    I'm very jealous! I was not able to get to the Pines as I had to work both yesterday and today on a very important project. Even though I was paid a special rate of $100.00 an hour(yeeeee haaaaa!) I was very tempted to not go in today. There is nothing like finding roads in the Pines with virgin...
  9. BEHR655

    Good Article

    That's pretty wack.
  10. BEHR655

    Good Article

  11. BEHR655

    Tuckerton Road

    No, I've never let air out in the Pines (well not out of my tires anyway :mrgreen:). While there is a potential of getting stuck, it's not like being on the beach which is all sand. There is solid ground somewhere below the sand roads. Of course, if you do get stuck, you can let the air out...
  12. BEHR655

    Tuckerton Road

    While I have a 4x4 Escape I have been with folks that have FWD Escapes and they've done pretty well in the sand. Like Guy said, keep your speed up. Steve
  13. BEHR655

    Ruffed Grouse

    Nope, never saw one. Steve
  14. BEHR655

    The Lost World

    Give us time.
  15. BEHR655

    Article on the Cedar Bridge Fire Lookout

    Great article Guy. Excellent job. Steve
  16. BEHR655

    Another theory of Mary Ann Forge

    Go to his gallery and click on the picture. You get a huge map. Steve
  17. BEHR655

    Pileated Woodpecker

    I was well above there. A friend and I went up to Wildcat WMA off of Rt80. There is a Hawk viewing area there that overlooks the Rockaway Valley. No hawks but we did see the Pileated Woodpecker just before we got there. Steve
  18. BEHR655

    Wilderness Camping

    Never heard of "Quarter Mile Water Hole". Where is it? Steve
  19. BEHR655

    A Pinelands Newbie - Where to stay?

    For birding and marshes you should look in the Cape May area. As you know Cape May is a world class birding area and you would also be close to the Delaware Bay region, more marshes than you can shake a stick at. There are also many good spots along the coast. Unfortunately the Pine Barrens is...
  20. BEHR655

    Hiking partner

    Gee, I didn't know NJ was poor. With the highest median income in the country you'd think we could afford more rangers. Somehow poor ol' NY has wilderness camping FOR FREE!!!! And somehow they even managed to build lean-tos at some of the sites. Maybe if good ol' Gov Corzine didn't blow all our...