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  1. LARGO

    Harrisville Ruins

    While well intended, giving the specific locations of artesian wells could open the door for a whole lot of hurt rather than good. Equally as sensitive as any historical site, it would be lousy if the integrity of any were compromised due to easier access from viewers of the site. It would make...
  2. LARGO

    Hello to all

    I enjoy philosophical (not political) debates. It was fun to come up with a response. :) --Ariadne Cool. G.
  3. LARGO

    Hello to all

    Ariadne, I've generally found your input/commentary interesting & informed. I'm not so sure my statement was attacking anyone especially our newcomer. It always seems to raise someones hackles though, especially animal rights folks (Again,isn't that odd?). I don't particularly ever...
  4. LARGO

    Flemming Pike Garbage

    Late in posting as I missed this. Funny, I had some riding in mind this weekend and I never miss hitting a stretch or two on the Pike. I wound up bed ridden ill. That sucked. I shall myself take a peeksee this coming weekend. Count on the fact that I'll be bringing out some stuff. I too will...
  5. LARGO

    Hello to all

    Sorry, Forgot. Welcome newcomer.
  6. LARGO

    Hello to all

  7. LARGO

    My First Post: A Brief Introduction, or Hello

    Hello there Chuck. Rest assured, any given moment you spend out here will ease the pains of the day to day B/S. Drive on & enjoy! G.
  8. LARGO

    Bear shot in Essex County today :(

    Thanks While I wouldn't want myself,family,or neighbors to be harmed due to a rogue animal of any sort...this seems sort of extreme. Is is what is is I guess. Thanks for the post. G.
  9. LARGO

    Bear shot in Essex County today :(

    Heard this on news last eve, and about the Trenton Bear as well. Not ever hearing the following, I want to make sure it is true and not just some media drama crap. The newsperson indicated that N.J. has a "ZERO" tolerance policy with bear found in populated/densly populated areas? Is this...
  10. LARGO

    Most Remote Area in the Pines

    Many fascinating and informative takes on this. I will try, in my humble opinion to simplify this. The most remote area of the pines is wherever you are and someone else is not. Just my 2 pence. G.
  11. LARGO

    Things that shouldn't be done in the Pines.

    I am now officially of the opinion that the Flotation Noodle is the "Mylar Balloon" of the waterways. I hate people.
  12. LARGO

    A "pleasant" Paddle

    All, Took yesterday off for a canoe fix. Following a sudden and violent sickness Wednesday and feeling better, I decided what the heck. I put in at my uncle's in Sweetwater/Pleasant Mills right on the river around the bent creek section. Basically direct across from Indian Cabin road. Been a...
  13. LARGO

    Boggy Morn'

    All, Got up early this morn' to put in at the bog behind me around 5:00 A.M. Did some Canoein'. A brisk 48 degrees by the thermometer on my travel clock. Very still though no wind. Super quiet. Saw one duck, and about 6 or 7 geese floating and griping at me. A large swan was very put off...
  14. LARGO

    Connetquot State Park

    You've got to be kidding! This stuff is gorgeous. It's seems at times you've got our pines beat. ( sorry all ) As always, the quality of your pics & shot choices are great. G.
  15. LARGO


    O.k., Numbered bridges/trestles, cool.... I'll play dumb here ( not hard for me in this case) Are these #'s just on maps or records or are they actually somewhere on the bridges like signposts along the way?
  16. LARGO

    I'm Going To Be A Dad!!

    A wondrous journey awaits ! I myself never knew how cool this stuff was till I relived it, and continue to through my youngins' eyes. Nowadays when my olders do not want to go out unless I'm on motorized transport, I can always count on Jason, me little wee one to take on the task. We trek oft'...
  17. LARGO

    Anyone been to Cowtown Rodeo?

    A fairly regular event for me as a kid. I seem to remember going to animal auctions. Had Kind of a flea market feel as I recall. Neat then, although nothing I've heard of late would seem my gig anymore.
  18. LARGO


    I knew what you meant regarding Pasadena/Parkdale. It was easy to envision you headed North on the tracks. It wasn't stupid, just a little misprint. Get to The Clark Branch bridge, lose your vehicle, walk North & you'll cross the Sleeper. G.
  19. LARGO


    Don't know what you are counting for trestles but regarding the J.C., If you just were to start after it begins hugging the Fleming pike after... Winslow Junction you could consider the one over RT 30. ( Gangly looking thing ). Then on to your Albertson Branch Trestle just east of Iron Mill...