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  1. LARGO

    ATV park plan in for bumpy ride

    Goods points both gentlemen. Dealers looking for big volume sales is a huge part of the problem. I consider them irresponsible. As far as getting caught, yes it is just about impossible. I use these measures, avoid when you can, I too have stopped countless times & was...
  2. LARGO

    Forward to "Resurrecting Ghosts"

    Really nice piece of writing.
  3. LARGO

    ATV park plan in for bumpy ride

    Like anything else related here, a large part of it boils down to responsibility, safety, courtesy, etc. There are many mediums by which to do damage. Argue on both sides if you want. Doesn't change the basics.
  4. LARGO

    Wharton Cleanup: Where Were You?

    I was in the woods @ 6:30 a.m Start early, work alone, get more done. Although I got about a hundred funny looks when I pulled up to registration full. wasn't trying to make anyone look bad, just seemed sensible.
  5. LARGO

    Wharton Cleanup: Where Were You?

    Bronco no... Just a tired little old S10
  6. LARGO

    In the ruins of the Pine Barrens

    Identification & Accessibiilty Being so fond of the pines & Wharton my first instinct would be to share it's wonder & unique nature with so many people but...... It does seem that when you identify a thing, mark it,post it,make it easily accessible, you make it vulnerable as well...
  7. LARGO

    Wharton Cleanup: Where Were You?

    That was me, I was pushing my little truck to the limit so I was waving people by.Took out a couple serious loads. And Scott, I was glad to be there!!! It was worth every minute I could give & you are definately a good motivator for this sort of thing.
  8. LARGO

    Wharton Cleanup Sunday 10-23-05

    Early start Scott, I sent you my #. Call me, I would prefer to get out early. Sign up is not a big deal to me. Now for all... If getting on the soapbox is foolish, I'll be the fool. Every day is clean up day, Wharton/ pines. I know scott felt...
  9. LARGO

    Wharton Cleanup Sunday 10-23-05

    I can go with you first & register if need be but I won't be needing The door prizes. I won't make the pic later ( and the FWD stuff won't work on the Corvette ) If you are going down Pestletown I can get a start on any given pile God knows there are plenty to choose from...
  10. LARGO

    Wharton Cleanup Sunday 10-23-05

    Scott, I'm in for The A.M. if that's cool. The only truck I got is my little old S10 & a couple of morning hours free but I can heap it up and if one more truckload helps then I'm in. I already had the notice from Waterford & I was just gonna wing it solo but if I can hook up...
  11. LARGO

    Country Living Festival at Batsto

    How Commercial It's easy to be disappointed.... There's more & more junk @ these things anymore. I love the old technology & especially the J.D. stuff !! But they let in too much cheesy stuff anymore. Batsto itself has, even after dozens of visits...never bored me or let me...
  12. LARGO

    Monument Searching Near the Plastic Bridge

    Hey !!! What time were you guys out there ?? I was out with my Daughter checking out the bridge around 5:30 P.M. My Saturday & Sunday afternoons were spent checking out What the rains did. And wow did they !! The water at the plastic bridge...
  13. LARGO

    No more fun in the Pines

    I surely know what you mean.. it is frustrating. Call it wishful thinking., a way to work within their own boundaries, stroke them if you will... to be able to enjoy the pines with less hassle. Oh well, lump right.?
  14. LARGO

    No more fun in the Pines

    Ooh, hey..that last one might have been misunderstood. I am not talking about some fun book with maps & sites & events. There's already enough of that stuff, leave it to the nature guys & tour guides. I meant something relevant to this issue. something to put everybody on a friendly...
  15. LARGO

    No more fun in the Pines

    I have been in many of the situations described here and faired well, even against a certain hostile female ranger. Picture a sort of "pines fun & traveling for dummies" Get their input, their endorsement even.. it's in their best interest Hey just rambling, my bad.
  16. LARGO

    Biodiesel anyone?

    My brother-inlaw works for Dupont in Delaware, has done considerable research and plans to in no uncertain terms start a small biodeisel plant He is very ecologically minded & dead serious about this stuff. It seems to me like a messy task but he already began collecting the basics. He...
  17. LARGO

    Spur from Atsion to Atco.

    I was pretty sure on the route. As for the sand, I know it all too well, I have come on many the four wheel drive enthuisiast that had too much confidence in their vehicle. If you don't know that sand... It'll take you right in. It's o.k. once you learn how to handle it...
  18. LARGO

    Spur from Atsion to Atco.

    I could be wrong, but doesn't that "spur" come right off of Railroad ave which is the entrance to Atsion park but it continues straight on to where it ties into Rariton at Sandy Cause way.?? Besides getting through the back of the park which might not be cool, It might...
  19. LARGO


    Fella's It was raining pretty good out my way for a bit. Settled down to a slow but steady drizzle right now.
  20. LARGO

    Red Oak Grove Stone????

    Wow....Now there's some speculation. at the least we can assume there are more can't we ?? Part that bugs me is that I swear I saw one like this or similar at least down in Hammonton.