Wharton Cleanup Sunday 10-23-05


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
The annual Wharton Cleanup is scheduled for this Sunday 10-23-05.
The meeting spot is the Atsion Ranger Station at 9:30 a.m.
This is a heavy duty cleanup and you can haul in anything you can drag or carry with your truck.
It is a good bunch of people with the bulk of the workers last year coming from the Jersey Devil 4 wheelers group.
I made 5 round trips last year with my truck to my neck of the woods here in Pestletown and hauled out tires, shingles, lumber and a 275 gal. oil tank.
There were two 30 yd roll-offs last year and there was another 20 yds of tires piled next to the roll-offs when it was done.
The organizers gave me a gang of Jersey Devil guys to bring down here and they did an unbelievable job.
It is a great opportunity to get some of the sh*t out of the woods and you will have a good time doing it.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
kingofthepines said:
Don't forget the all you can eat wings at the Pic afterward.

Not to mention the almost endless 4x4 related accessory doorprizes for the participants given away at the Pic.

Hey King, I am the guy that wrote the letter about the cleanup last year and presented it to Waterford Township Committee.
I had aked for "No Dumping" signs and a little police presence at some of the Wharton access points throughout the Township.
I got alot of absolutelys! and amens out of the Committee but not one sign and I ain't seen a cop off the tar unless he was lost.
That was November 4, 2004.
I am going to try again after this cleanup and give them photos of the s*it that's been dumped just since last year within 300 yds of my house.


Sep 7, 2005
I'm in for The A.M. if that's cool. The only truck I got is my little
old S10 & a couple of morning hours free but I can heap it up and if
one more truckload helps then I'm in. I already had the notice from
Waterford & I was just gonna wing it solo but if I can hook up I'll go in
with whoever. I can meet you at Atsion or start at the end of
Pestletown road to save some time & Just dump it off. There's a
couple other trails off Chew I would work on too.
Pestletown road makes me sick.... How can the cars , trucks, even
Quads & Cycles taking a cruise get harrassed and no-one sees this
stuff getting dumped. A couple of those piles had to be shipped in
by dump truck !!
As far as the police, don't even go there... I's a sadness.
Let me know



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
LARGO said:
I'm in for The A.M. if that's cool. The only truck I got is my little
old S10 & a couple of morning hours free but I can heap it up and if
one more truckload helps then I'm in. I already had the notice from
Waterford & I was just gonna wing it solo but if I can hook up I'll go in
with whoever. I can meet you at Atsion or start at the end of
Pestletown road to save some time & Just dump it off. There's a
couple other trails off Chew I would work on too.

If you go to Atsion first and register you would be eligible for some nice truck accessory door prizes at the Pic later in the day.
I will be usuing my red truck becuse it doesn't have the tool box.
I will be headed to Atsion at around 9:00 a.m. to sign in and hopefully grab some bodies.
If you want to run with me let me know and I will pick you up at your house on my way down to Atsion.
Dot will be hooking up with me around 10:30 a.m in the woods.


Sep 7, 2005
I can go with you first & register if need be but I won't be needing
The door prizes. I won't make the pic later
( and the FWD stuff won't work on the Corvette )
If you are going down Pestletown I can get a start on any given pile
God knows there are plenty to choose from,
Meet you when you come in and maybe be able to get two loads in
with the S10.
I work pretty fast so I can have one ready quick.
Hey, how about cheap work gloves for peoples hands. I have a brand
I can get very cheap from work & would be happy to pick some up.
On me of course.


Sep 7, 2005
Early start

Scott, I sent you my #. Call me, I would prefer to get out early.
Sign up is not a big deal to me.

Now for all...
If getting on the soapbox is foolish, I'll be the fool.

Every day is clean up day, Wharton/ pines.
I know scott felt strongly enough to get up in town meeting.
/ I trust this venue is more receptive.
Every one who has ever enjoyed one feature of the pines be it
History,recreation,flora,fauna,hunting, the fishing,education, etc.
should see it this way as I hope many here do.
Every little bit helps... one shoprite,wawa whatever bag you can get.
IF BY CAR, FILL THE BAG...Bring it home.
The guy scouting, bring a bag.
The guy fishing, carry tackle carry a bag,
The guy hunting, carry out a dear, carry a bag.
Carrying a camera, carry a bag.
The person in a canoe or kayac has the best chance to paddle
over and get junk caught up on the bank.
The equestrian people you've got the age old pack animal.
I encourage you, this 1,000 pound animal can carry you home,
it can carry a bag, try an old saddle bag.takes a moment to fill.
I'll let the motor cycle guys go, it's tough but........
Quad people, carry a bag.
Those 4WD utility bikes are made for work.
Take home a tire, a cinder block.
HINT: seeing the responsibility of carrying trash OUT of the pines
is likely to soften even the grouchiest ranger, regardless of
the fact that you ain't supposed to be out there.
trust me I know.
This isn't ELF stuff, I do not..subscribe to "RADICAL" ecology.
I do not infer that many of you don't already do this.
I've been doing it quietly for years an boxing it up in my own
One bag guys.
We didn't make the mess, but we can assume the responsibility
every time we are out to clean it up.
O.K. let me stop


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Amen. I have removed garbage before, but you have inspired me to do it much more often. Thanks, I will be making more of a point of it whenever I go out!



Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
scared straight

When i was about 8 or 9 years old, I was on an annual family canoe trip(Wading River) stopped at a beach having lunch. I finished a can of soda and threw it into the woods. just as I did this a man approx. 50 years old was paddling by and WENT OFF!!!. He said, "I think you dropped something." , and then he really let me have it. That was the last piece of trash I threw in any natural location.

I'm planning on attending the cleanup on Sunday. I hopefully will have my pops Green F150 w/ an FBI sticker on back. If he won't give up his truck I'll be in my beat up tan Explorer w/ the "terrorist hunting permit" on back.
Look forward to seeing some folks out there.