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    Bird Hunting Question in Greenwood

    Hi Pola.Glad you came in with your input.To you all that don't know Pola.She is one of the spokes on the wheel.Pola is our secretary and will do what ever is necessary to accomplish a project.I am proud to be working with Joe,Pola,Mike and many others.I would like to welcome all that would like...
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    Bird Hunting Question in Greenwood

    Scott ,I thank you for the kind words.Fellow Piney's ,I am truly sorry if I offended anyone.That was not my intent.We are a hard working bunch of Sportsmen and Sportswomen who would like to once again hear the call of the Bob White Quail.It's the NJQP goal to improve habitat and to restore our...
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    Great Swamp Branch & Nescohague Creek, A PBX Hike

    To all you brave souls that made that hike,I offer a heart-felt thank you.I ceretainly enjoy your stories of your hikes and the pictures.I have been traveling the pine barrens for over 60 years.With 2 total knee replacements,I would not attempt to join your group. long-a coming,you mention...
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    Bird Hunting Question in Greenwood

    We the NJQP have a pretty good idea as to the decline of the B0b-White Quail.We are not sitting on our butts and talking about it.We are actively doing something about it.
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    Bird Hunting Question in Greenwood

    The Division stocks Quail on the Greenwood WMA and the Peaslee WMA .The NJQP is on the move.We seeded 25 acreas at Peaslee,with warm season grass's and another 85 acres will be seeded starting.May16.We the NJQP meet once a month.We have quite a few projects started We have no intention of seeing...
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    Jersey Devil

    Pretty neat having the New Jersey Devil and Clementon Gun Club featured on the History Channel.Nice bunch of guys in that club.
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    "Hidden Lakes" in NJ Pine Barrens???

    If I remember correctly the Jeep went into the water.Other people went to help,but no one had a knife to cut the belt.Bummer.I carry a knife all the time.
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    "Hidden Lakes" in NJ Pine Barrens???

    Back in the early 70's we used some of that area for our Enduro.It was a prestine area.No trash No parties.Enter the beer parties and what ever else they do.Trashed the area on a daily basis.One guy wound up in the water in his jeep.Could not get out of his seat belt and drowned.Shortly there...
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    Dirt bikes!

    Quite a few years ago 2 of us.both Enduro Riders were on the road the goes from Quaker Bridge to Batsto[north side.]It was late afternoon,with a threat of thunderstorms.We passed Good Water Run.Between there and Quaker Bridge was a deep stretch of Sugar Sand.Half way through that section was a...
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    Dirt bikes!

    When I first got infolved in Enduro's we ony had to have the permission of Leeson Small caretaker of the Wharton Estate.Once the State took over when it purchased the Wharton Estate,many problems occured.We now have to answer to the Pinelands Comm. The State , The NJ Fish and Game .the NJ state...
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    Dirt bikes!

    dragoncjo....We have permission to use the trails for the one day of our event.We will not give out route sheets to non event riders.who would be riding the trails at their disgression.I have route sheets going back to the 40's when an Enduro was a 250 mi.event.Probably a lot of you were not...
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    Dirt bikes!

    Scott.Thanks for the input.We have to follow so many regulations to use the trails.Most of you that use the forest for what ever you do,does not have to answer to anyone.
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    Dirt bikes!

    Teegate. Our members go out of their way to be cordual to others that use the forest roads.wE GO MORE THEN HALF WAY..When the Enduro riders are passing through a section of woods,most are gone in an hour.We use the forest one day a year.Be patient.Why not park and watch.As I said before the...
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    Dirt bikes!

    Scott informed me of this discussion.Might as well give you my 2 cents.I first got involved in Motorcycle Enduros in 1947.That was back when it was the Wharton Estate.Leeson Small was the caretaker.The forest saw little use.Most of the activity took place during the six day deer firearm s...
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    The "Bog Slog", a PBX Hike

    Scott...Keep your hikes with pictures coming..I can't physically do what you guys do and I know enough about the pines that it seems as if I have been there.You might want to take one of your hikes after a hard freeze.You will be surprised how much easier it is to walk those spungs on hard water.
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    Is Constable Bridge Open?

    Hell Scott you could get across with your Harley.
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    Chatsworth North....A PBX Hike

    Sure enjoy your adventures in the Pines.Keep posting story's and pictures.Would love to join you ,but 2 knee replacements prohibits that.Judging from the picture,I would be hard pressed to keep up with you.Can't walk mud like I used to do trapping muskrats I started riding the big woods on my...
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    Hunting Seasons Begin 9-13-08

    Rednekf.Your post was great.till it was turned into another issue.Like to enter my 2 cents.The deer in our State were almost extinct many years ago.Three freight car loads were imported from out of State.Thanks to the Sportsmen,see what we have today.The same goes for Turkey and Bear.When was...
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    Things that shouldn't be done in the Pines.

    Yep,we have a lot of slobs out in our beloved Forests.Back in the 40's we did not have that problem.Then again not many people used this great area.Don,t know what can be done with the slobs.You can only speak for yourself.If you pack it in,you can pack it out.
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    New Jersey's Public Hunting Lands

    There is a group of us headed by Chairman Joe Matter that is moving forward with restoring the wild Quail in our State.The Audubon Society,Ducks Unlimited,Waste Management,Quail Unlimited ,the Division of Fish and Wildlife and various Farmers our working with us.We have a general meeting each...