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  1. S

    Arid August wilts S.J. farms

    yeah it was at bob, i was just really asking if what was told to my father was true about alot of people purposing setting fires. It made no sense to me that arsonists are running around, and actually doing this. I would think that big fires would be started from this, or atleast in the news...
  2. S

    PPA ORV Meeting Today

    Well i dont get making noise about developments in areas where Pinelands rules say they should not be. These developments get made anyway, or the developer could cut a deal with the township to pay them, X amount per house to be used for clean water, or preservation, but it just goes into the...
  3. S

    Ever run into the "trouble" in the pines?

    ask being a "kid" at a time, and knowing pineys, the pines is still about judgement of situations. As kids we used to mess with people, because we knew they were easily messed with, like locals at Caranza, or some idiot in a Honda on South Park looking for the new place for street racing. As for...
  4. S

    PPA ORV Meeting Today

    i read the PPA's website, and i wished i referenced them to my previous posts. Talk about a do nothing, pay for activisim group. Talk about fighting for stupid causes when not fighing for the Pinelands itself, by not fighting against expansion, even if its x per x acres by control of a...
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    Arid August wilts S.J. farms

    sorry guy, either my post was out of context or you read it that way. The guy told my father about the number of purpose set fires per week, i dont mean they were flaming 100 acre things, just purpose set stuff they need to put out. I assume he might mean even a created fire by the side of the...
  6. S

    Arid August wilts S.J. farms

    The farming part, this stuff happens most years. This year we have not been given the chance of daily isolated storms, or the weekly front storms moving in. It is dry here, but a in years before, and this year, at times we got to much rain at certain times (usually May), or to much rain all year...
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    Editorial: ORV Use in the Pine Barrens

    I read the previous posts, and i admit scanned a bit of them, but noone mentioned the history of ORV, or more easy ATV's. I seriously doubt ATV destruction is even near the levels indicated, but to be honest, its the history of ATV's that i agree with the banning of them. As a teenager in the...
  8. S

    Corzine won't veto Pinelands project

    The housing bubble, or whatever you call it was caused by low interest rates obviously. People buying houses for 500k when really they should be looking at houses in the 300k market. Low interest rates is all about if you can afford the payments, and hey, if you can get more now then before...
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    Corzine won't veto Pinelands project

    well remember route 130, when my father was a little kid in the 50's, it was a two lane road. At night time he said you could drive the road, and not pass a car. Route 130 wasnt filled with stores backed by developments, it was farmland and woodlands. Levitt bought out the farms and built...
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    Corzine won't veto Pinelands project

    pinelands development im not sure that anyone understands it, but Burlington County, Camden County, and the state of New Jersey has said, time before (basically the state dictating expansion goals), that "parts" of the Pinelands will be needed to solve the "population problem" in New Jersery...
  11. S

    Carranza Memorial unwraped

    Caranza(sp?) when i was a kid (17-19), we used to hang out at the memorial. Sometimes, we would sometimes bug other kids making out or having sex out of jest. We could be classified as deliquints, idiots, or bums for our age, But we never did anything to the monument. We never thought about...
  12. S

    bilg old building on 206

    memory its been awhile but across the street i think you can see old ruins of a building bulldozed into a pile, across the street from the old building at the Wawa light there was a gas station. I dont know the time frame of the station but from hearing my fathers friends talk i can assume it...