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  1. T

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Select some anecdotes, add wide sweeping generalisations and offer a solution in such a way as to marginalize anyone who disagrees with it. Yack I spent 5 hours in the Waterford area of Wharton yesterday. I saw a couple in a canoe at Goshen and two enduro riders on Sandy Causeway. Actually...
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    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I was down Sandy Causeway today also. I agree that the rain is going to make a mess of it. Many spots seem to have been made worse. It looks like a disaster. There was also someone getting stuck in a Prius. How they got as far in as they did I don't know but by the time they were free the sun...
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    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I just found out about this yesterday, read this thread and am fired up. Other than signing petitions and contacting gov. reps. I would like to do more to help. Hands on documenting of the roads that are being closed. I can cover alot of ground on the recently closed roads on my fat bike. That...
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    New study on Lyme Disease

    Ticks are my biggest concern when riding my bicycle in the pines. I check myself when I get out of the woods and then again when I get home. I don't use bug spray but shower as soon as I get home. I've only ever found two on me and both times it was on the double check search. My sister is a...
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    There’s something for everyone in the Black Run Preserve in Marlton

    I ride my bike here at least 3 times a week. Pitching in when I can. There is still some clean up to do but it's mostly some illegal dumping in a couple areas. It is much cleaner than it was. That was a pretty good write up describing the marked trails. It's really starting to get popular this...
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    Forest Fire at Atsion

    I was on the south west side of Atsion Lake at one of my favorite rest spots when I spotted a bit of smoke. It must have just started. A few minutes later. It's very dry right now.
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    Two Bear Sightings Reported In Winslow Township

    The bear was just spotted a few blocks from my house. Was seen at 3rd and Gennessee in Atco in the last hour. :eek:
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    New Guy Wants to Talk Kayaks and Canoes

    Well, we put in at Atsion Lake last Sunday for a couple of hours. It was a perfect day. My son took to it pretty quick after a few pointers. The lake and surrounding trees seemed more peaceful and beautiful than I remember. We both needed some stress release and we got it. I figure I'll take...
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    I work in Chester County Pa. We had golf ball size hail here with real strong winds. It sounded like 25 drummers on the roof. A co-workers hood on his new Kia is loaded with small dents now. Our vantage point gave us a real good view of the storm coming across the valley. It was a wall of grey...
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    I only started suffering from seasonal allergies the last 6-7 years. Allergy medication seems to make me feel disconnected. Horseradish is my go to for relieving congestion. Heap some onto a roast beef sandwich and it clears my sinus out quick. Just a quick wiff of the jar occasionally through...
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    New Guy Wants to Talk Kayaks and Canoes

    Thanks for the tips and ideas. That Hornbeck sounds great. Lightweight is a big plus. I'm not a big guy. I've done enough of my share of carrying/ dragging canoes from lake to lake to long for something that light. I'm very seriously thinking of building my own wood kayak(s). My Dad used to...
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    Sunshine Lakes, Voorhees, NJ - 1939

    That is cool. I had no idea about that lake. Several years back, I had a customer that lived on the south western corner of those lakes. He offered to let me take one of his one man submersibles out on the lake. I'm a bit claustrophobic so I declined.
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    New Guy Wants to Talk Kayaks and Canoes

    Hi, I've been lurking around here a bit lately and decided to jump in. So much good reading. Thank You. I love this state, it's history and many of the people in it. I'm in Atco (grew up in Haddon Twp.) and badly want to get a kayak and a canoe and hit the rivers. I grew up canoeing Atsion...