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  1. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    I must have looked wrong then, I thought all the signs said New Jersey Conservation foundation, So parker preserve is the Conservancy ?
  2. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Hey Boyd, What was the growth ? That wasn't Moss was it ? was it a close up? I've never seen vegetation like that.
  3. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Maybe in time they will, For the most part tho , I'm very happy with what they've done so far, Purchasing all Of Demarcos property or most of it will ensure a safe haven for wild life . I was terrified of it all being turned into yet another Metropolis. I've fished Chatsworth lake for Atleast 35...
  4. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Wow , What a waste of a Homestead . So the New Jersey conservation Foundation tore that down? They really didn't give many choices, If the House stayed the area would probably have been closed off. I guess we have to take the bad with the good when An organization takes over. They have preserved...
  5. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Hey Hawkin, sounds like the three of us should get together down there if you were going , Shame. I added quite a number of Birds to my life list down there and hope to add more. I'll be with my Bud For ten days of sunshine and wildlife jaunts in the Beginning of March
  6. tom m

    Ivory-Billed Woodpecker and $50 Grand

    Ok Furball!!!!! Now we have to go there to when i get down there , Phew !! I need 10 extra days !!! wonder if they'll give them to me LOL!!! As if the pileated Wasn't enough Now I have to go on a trek to find the Ivory Billed with ya ..!!
  7. tom m

    Batona Trail hike

    Very Possible I would Dehydrate everything in my machine then just add water . The Bug Juice would turn out like Fruit roll ups LOL !!
  8. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Hey Hawkin, No that wasn't me , I have a green 92 F-150, But I do remember a vehicle that color but it was way in front of me and I only idle around , so you were gone before I even started LOL.
  9. tom m

    The Front Page - State of the Forums Address

    I'll also second what Piker56 said, Thanks for all the Hard work put into this site,Not that I need them but it has given me even more reasons to be out there Enjoying the Pines. Tom
  10. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    A reward that I will greatly appreciate. That's a great pic of it
  11. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    I'm supposed to call for work in the AM. If I'm off I'm going back out there bound and determined to find it LOL. Thanks for that Marker, I'll look for it
  12. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Hey Pancoast, I went out there to try and find that pond snd it seems there are alot more dirt roads then the map shows, I went past alot of cedar swamps tho. I went past the dog leg near the bogs out there and I think that is where i got confused because I wound up back in Chatsworth on Old...
  13. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    I alsotrierd to find the Oswego River Preserve. I didn't find that but i was in some very beautiful cedar swamps out there. There are alot more dirt roads out there then the NJPB maps show
  14. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Wow, That was a great day. I on the other hand got there about 10:00 and saw the Immature Bald and one Marsh hawk, several small birds that stayed just outside my vision, and the Mergansers ,Buffle Heads . On leeds point road I saw three Great Egretts and three Great Blues all congregating...
  15. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    I',m Heading out there right now .Heading out past Oswego lake looks easy enough to get there.
  16. tom m

    Batona Trail hike

    Yea Like Caranza Memorial. kids seem to vandalize Vehicles that are left there.
  17. tom m

    Wolf in Voorhees

    Wolf In voorhees ! Well looking at the fence it looks like one of two places One is off United states Rd, and the other is that new park on 561 closer to berlin, Know where I mean?
  18. tom m

    Wolf in Voorhees

    Wolf In Voorhees? I work in that area and I have seen very Large Breed Coyotes that i'm told were Placed out in the woods. They supposedly were transplanted from Canada. Going to work one morning at my Home plant in Vincentown,I Noticed one that Had just been hit and it was still ALIVE! This...
  19. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    That sounds Great ! I think i'm going to to go check out this Oswego River preserve off Causeway Rd. I just looked a the NJPB maps and Now I see that ijust continue past Oswego lake to get to it ,then i'll make my trek to Brigantine. I still may be there before seven if I can
  20. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Are you sure you looked up the Edwin B forsythe site? There is a part of it on rt 50 outside of Mayslanding and then the Refuge off of rt 9, but nothing off of rt 72.