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  1. tom m

    bear tracks

    Bears In Batsto I Do Alot Of My Hiking On The Batona Trail At Batsto And I've Never Seen Bear But Have Seen Alot Of Signs That They Are There And Closer Than You Think .there Is Plenty Of Places For Them To Den Up In ,along The Swamps There Are Huge Trees That Have Uprooted And Left Holes Under...
  2. tom m

    Trip on the East Creek or Manumuskin 2/25

    Bald Eagles At East Creek There are 1-2 nesting pairs of eagles near bellplain at east creek they have been doing so for about 10 years i know where the one nest is but the ranger that we knew is now retired so we can no longer go back to it,a shame that nest has to be 4 feet across by now
  3. tom m

    No more fun in the Pines

    I know i've hiked alot in the pines and i've never had a problem with the rangers searching me although i don't doubt that it happens ,they seem to take the law into there own hands quite a bit any more. years ago all my brothers used to camp at bellplain and we got to know a ranger there ,even...
  4. tom m

    Snow Buntings or Cedar Waxwings

    years ago i used to see alot of waxwings at home with them i used to see purpl finches both beautiful birds.
  5. tom m

    Bald eagle making its way off endangered list

    Hey teegate,Eagles are on the upswing my brother lives in camden county and they are all up and down the delaware in fact they are in quite a few areas that they have'nt been. I've seen a number of them myself,whew ! Magnificent birds !!!!!
  6. tom m

    No more fun in the Pines

    A wise guy Hey furball 1, still claiming to be a fisherman? lol now i could.nt resist
  7. tom m

    Why are so many folks afraid of the pine barrens at night?

    Talking Trees? :confused: :confused: what kind of tree was it ? A sassylass or a weeping willow if it was barking out orders it must have been a dog wood.:pigfly:
  8. tom m

    No more fun in the Pines

    out of control rangers i know it's been a few days that this was discussed ,but i had several bad experiences with one certain ranger in bass river, he also would sneak up on you in the dark, (although they are not supposed to enter your sight with out good reason once you've paid for it ).this...
  9. tom m

    Why are so many folks afraid of the pine barrens at night?

    Fear in the pines I agree piker56, the pines are like home ,there's something about being out there that stirs the spirit within, a longing of sorts to not leave ,but to blend in and become an integral part of it,although i have experienced strange occurances out there, i have always returned...
  10. tom m

    Chatsworth Club......

    chatsworth lake closing Hey Piker56, i also had a notice put on my car last year,when i called the guy he said it would be closed for about a year then opened for light use ,fishing canoeing ,hiking birding ,but no motor vehicle traffic will be allowed on the property. Not even on the shoulder...