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  1. tugwake


    Good! Those alligator snapping turtles are funny but quite serious when it comes to hissing and biting. I did make friends with one several years ago but if anyone would come near me, he would take off towards them with his mouth open. :mrgreen: I will definitely get in touch with you if I...
  2. tugwake

    Gas prices are so high so let me spend $7k on a Geo instead

    :rofl: Have you heard these, Rednek? FORD- F'ed Over Rebuilt Dodge CHEVROLET-Constantly Having Every Vehicle Recalled Over Lousy Engineering Techniques I won't say the PONTIAC one. Not nice. And by the way, I own one of the cars I mentioned so this is all in fun. No disrespect intended.
  3. tugwake

    Gas prices are so high so let me spend $7k on a Geo instead

    Yes Absolutely, Ben. In my opinion, a Metro is about the worst car anyone could drive! The County I worked for purchased them for the Inspectors and they stayed in the shop or on the side of the road more than the old cars they were replacing. Besides dragging your hiney on the ground, I'd be...
  4. tugwake

    Batona Trail hike

    Batona We drove all through there recently. It's very pretty in there but the only wildlife I saw were a bunch of cub scouts. :mrgreen: I tried to find out what the rules were for bringing my dogs but found nothing. Can anyone shed some light on what the pet policies are? Is this area pretty...
  5. tugwake

    Greenwood Forest

    Thanks, Ben. I'm going to purchase both today so I have them for the weekend. I wonder if it would hurt to take a shower in it? :rofl: (just kidding)
  6. tugwake

    Any near Tuckerton?

    Thank you! Thank you, Cathy and Mark. All of that sounds just lovely and I will most definitely visit those places. I'm really excited about this area! Thanks for letting me know. Ben, we lived in Monmouth County for a short time and decided to move just because of our explorations of the...
  7. tugwake

    Greenwood Forest

    Oh my God, I know. I found out about a week after I started exploring the area about the ticks too. I don't want to deal with either of them! Any advice on what to use to avoid them? I know Avon's Skin-so-soft doesn't work worth a poop. The ticks just say, "Ummmmm, that smells tasty!".:mrgreen:
  8. tugwake

    Revisiting the Rattlesnake

    Well, I won't say "awesome" because I hate to see any wildlife destroyed but I'd rather not live with a venomous snake near my home. Thanks! You made me feel better.
  9. tugwake


    snakes? Thanks, Greg! That makes me feel better.
  10. tugwake


    snakes? I'm referring to Little Egg Harbor Township, dragoncjo. Thanks for answering. I believe it's brackish but I'm not certain. Yes, they were terrapins but where I've seen them, there are other turtles and I was concerned about the snapping and alligator turtles. I love the little...
  11. tugwake

    Kiln? Furnace? Or something else?

    Niiiiiiiiiice!! Wow, I would have been so excited to find something like that. Very, very cool, Mark! The pics are great.
  12. tugwake

    Any near Tuckerton?

    You're making history about living in the Pine Barrens now! That's close. ;)
  13. tugwake

    Any near Tuckerton?

    Well, thank you very much, Mark. Like I told Ben and Jerseyman, you guys are great! I moved up here from FloriDUH (little pun there) and was almost shocked at the hospitality I received from the locals welcoming me. I love New Jersey and I plan to call it home from now on. The people and the...
  14. tugwake

    Native American Shell Middens

    Tall People I was at the WaWa the other day in Tuckerton and I saw an extremely tall man wandering around in the store. After I purchased a couple of things and left the store, I saw a whole bunch of tall people in the parking lot. I asked my husband if he noticed anything strange and he...
  15. tugwake

    Any near Tuckerton?

    Wow! That was very interesting. You should be proud and I like the "mass hysteria" line. It added a lot of flavor to the article. Nice! Though the entire concept of WNJ is just silly, there are some stories that are quite believable and I have visited many of the places. It just happened to...
  16. tugwake

    Greenwood Forest

    Last Weekend We went to Greenwood Forest last weekend. That place is FULL of deer and I got some very nice pictures although the little boogers wouldn't stand still. :mrgreen: I'm glad to know this information about the trails because we ended up on the powerline and thank God for four...
  17. tugwake

    Any near Tuckerton?

    Thank you! Ah, you guys are great. Thanks for the info and yes, I know WNJ is silly. I was given the book when I moved here and I noticed a lot of the entries are from kids. Still, the historical part is what I am interested in and you've given me some research to do! :) There is so much to see...
  18. tugwake


    Silly question but I have to ask This might be a silly question but I am new to the area. We are moving to a house on a large estuary in LEHT and I noticed a lot of turtles by the dock. My dogs love to swim. They won't bother the turtles but will the turtles bother them? Is there anything else...
  19. tugwake

    Revisiting the Rattlesnake

    Yikes! That pic was both lovely and scary, if that's possible. What about water moccasins near LEHT area? I recently visited Allaire State Park in Monmouth County and saw a LOT of snakes in the streams. After researching the little critters, I found out they were Northern Water Snakes...
  20. tugwake

    Any near Tuckerton?

    I'd like to know, as well Hello everyone. I'm new here and we are moving to the LEHT area very soon. I have the Weird NJ books (and explored several places already) that have some information on this subject. I'll research it and post when I can but I'd like to know if anyone else has any good...